To all those who have not, do it once with your hands. Dont pay the money to others to do it for you. Trust me it well help your iman, make you more compassionate and also you will not want to waste food again.
If you have done it once, then help others do it atleast once. Try to avoid a female goat, and if you have a choice, select one that doesnot have its tummy swollen up.
And immediately after that, get the shoulder piece (raann) home and marinate it. Invite me in the evening to the bbq :).
man i remember back in the day back home when they slaughtered goats...they would put blood on our foreheads...it wasn't very pleasant memories....
Did you ask 'why' they do it?
Did anybody (T2?) ever slit a goat?
I could never do it. I was like call me when it is done.
blood on the foreheads is something new for me too!!
T2, I did it last year and if you have not tried it I again strongly urge you to do it. The best way to tackle your fear is to face it. I guess I was also encouraged by the 7 goats that my roomies and I had slaughtered.
"I could never do it. I was like call me when it is done."
wimp... :P
its not fear. its just that feeling that u r taking somebody's life. I know im being hypocrite here. I would let somebody else do it. my uncle was very good at it.
wimp. i like that :) :) :)
T1: If u like it so much, allow me the honor of calling you
'chronic workaholic WIMP'.
Plz remove the word verfication thing. if u dont mind. (Official second notice before ur blog is enlisted to not so nice places , have you heard of term 'splog', spamming blogs....)
hahaha its so funny when u 2 fight like girls :P
I am going ignore the "fighting like .." comments else there will be another poetry competition.
R seems to be good at doing keedas!!! and chaabi maarowing.
T2 you are still a wimp :) :) :)
Bechaara t2... don't bully him just because he has empathy for the bakrai!
T1: W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R
'keedas' and 'chaabi -marrowing'
I like marathi slangs...
especially kai re... and gadwa (donkey??) ... It is so funny to listen to two marathis talking, its like they are cursing each other.... no offense... we had some puneites in my lab...
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