T2 and T1 have a unanimous decision that Muslims from India are more suitable to adapt to USA since they were a minority in India as they are a minority in the USA, While all others are grappling with the opposite situation of being a majority accross there.
How is it unanimous if just two people decided it... j/k. Sadly enough my main source of information about India is Bollyood. Aur filmon mein tho aisa lagta hai ke pehle sab Hindustani hain, aur phir baad mein Musalman, Hindu, Sikh, etc. I guess that's not what it's really like?
Thats why it is unanimous else it would have been a split decision!!! It would have been an overwhelming majority if it was 2/3. ;)
I would not blame you. Nearly everyone i have met asks me if we have masjids there and if we are free to practice our religion. All said I need to write one article on muslim life in india.
One thing that irks me is whenever Bollyood shows an inter-religious romance, it's always the Muslim girl that leaves her family for the Hindu guy...
BK: This happens a lot in hindi movies, muslim girl, hindu guy. This is part of long and secret consipiracy of hindu fundamentalist to convert/kill/impose-hinduism-on muslims in india.
Lot of movies show 'national integration' where they show 'hero' is indian first then muslim second or hindu second. This does not exist in reality. There are some ppl who believe that. But as a muslim I say im muslim indian.
BTW my city, has more than 300 mosques. Some of them are as old as 500-600 years.
Muslim Indian have pretty well adapted to being minority and getting their rights. We have muslim civil law (mostly from sharia), Anything to do with criminal laws are commmon laws (old british laws).
We have wakf board that handles all the properties like Mosques, qrave yards, etc..
National Minorities commission does really good job protecting minority rights.
Muslims in india have one of the best minority rights than any other minority in any other country. Other day I was talking to a bro from Egypt, he says if you grow beard in egypt then you are likely to get arrested or stopped in every other street. May be bcos govt is afraind of Muslim Brotherhood.
Above were near perfect senarios, that exist when there is good governance (like one ruling india now). But these seize to exist when Hindu fundamentalist come to power (Gujarat incident).
So pray to allah that Hindu fundamentalist never come to power in india. Ameen.
You know what our ameri folks are going to point to - that incident where daughter-in-law and father-in-law case the stupidity of that fatwa.
yes those things happen and then there are planty of sufis and dargahs, but there is lots and lots more beyond it.
And for records I can hear Fajr azaan from three masjids at my house. Thats how many masjids and muslim populations that we are tlking about in India.
One of my final papers in my senior year of college was on the presence of Islam in India beginning with the Mughal era upto present- day... some interesting stuff. It was almost 3 years ago, but I remember one thing I read which was that the Hindus and Muslims got along just fine until the British colonizers showed up. One of many examples of how the white man is eternally responsible for the oppression of the brown man...
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