Another thing that i am trying to find is if Eid-us-Zoha is on the 10 day of Dhul Hijjah or on the day after Arafaah?
It does matter since the populous muslim countries celebrate it on the 10th day, but the mixture of usa have the above confusion.
eid is on tuesday! woohoo! Eid Mubarak :)
Dont forget there are still 5 days for us to catch up on the benefits.
I dont understand the concept of wishing Eid Mubarak beforehand. Its not that I get offended or anything just never done that.
Eid Mubarak to all...
this time, civic plaza right?
T1: are u volunteering this time? I mean after what you felt last time.
We're having a voter registration table so if anyone feels generous enough to help out, please let me know :) The main thing is to just get the Muslims to come to the table!
u shoudl dress up in a clown suit and sing tuhje dekha with helium then :P haahhaah
BK: Sure, only if you support democrats.. I think I have to be in putting-plastic-on-floor- dept.
Yes, BK singing a song, with a dholak in her hands :). Sure hit with the crowd.
Lol... and when I'm done with my performance I'll throw some water balloons at the MAS table :P
water balloons .. i can send my cub scouts for defending their MAS table.. they are good at it.
ohh sweet! i forgot ur a MAS scout leader..HA! i got backup BK!! so back off!
oh ya and were plannig on being here before fajr this time so we can beat out pico and get the good tables...haha hazim was ready to kick someones ass last eid...lol
BK: My scouts cubs are really good at throwing water baloons... we kicked T1 teams a-s-s in last cub scout baloon fight... so you have my full team available for you....
BTW, no offense, what does PICO do ? except setting up a stall on eid... oo I forgot i am not pakistani... (T2 noting down in dairy) I should start some indian pico... may be indian muslim council chapter atleast..
Awww, how cuuuute... cub scouts. I was a girl scout back in the day, btw... in Kuwait. Random, I know.
T2: Good question. From what I know, PICO does community service, outreach and political awareness. My main problem with them (besides the fact that they show up early enough at Eid salaat to give RN an ulcer) is that their "fun" events are unIslamic because there is free mixing between the men and women. And their last big event, some annual thing, had female performers on stage... *sigh* This is what happens when culture overrides the deen.
cub scouts and cute... dont go together... they are the naughtiest of the kids.. why do you think parents send kids to scouts... to train them.. nahhh... to make them straight..... I was in National Cadet crops (Airwing) for a year, in high school... did not get chance to be boys scout...
"And their last big event, some annual thing, had female performers on stage."
hmmm intersting.... Only performers from pakistan I can watch on stage r junoon and Strings... maybe Omar sharif sometime.....
cub scouts are totally CUTE!!! in their little uniforms i just want to eat them. ok maybe not all of them. some of them are punks. i'm just talking about my little buddies abdullah and amr:)
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