Hence I like the internet where I can reach out for myself to the news that interest me, to the sports that interest me and to blogs such as these. So what bothers me ->>>> Reaching a site that stuffs music unknowingly down you. You cannot control the music that is being played if you have inadvertently left your volume up. Imagine coming back from a meeting where you needed the volume on your computer and the next moment when you happen to browse the internet, everyone is staring back at you. You all probably may already know about such sites - for example the msn.com site!!!!
So this posting is about your freedom on the internet being redifined by the people who control the fiber. First Tempe does not allow competition in this market (so Cox and Verizon both Suck). Next the ISPs are developing a two tiered internet. One for the sites that they want you to visit that will have high speed connections and one for the sites that you want to visit on your own that will be "little" slower. :). Surprisingly this is the new business model for companies like SBC/BellSouth (the owners of verizon) to compensate for their loss in revenue from traditional markets such as land-line telephones. This also supports their claim for video-on-demand and the premium it necessitates. And the most surprising part is that they are developing the technology and simultaneously lobbying the congress as a much-needed necessity!!!!
So now one more freedom is being slowly taken away from you. LIVE FREE OR...
Now this looks like a techie blog. BTW can you put larger version of the pic, it is not readable.
Cox does caching, it has servers all over the places, for popular sites.
Coming back to philosophy of reading and seeing what you want to see, then basically you are building your own world. Quite oblivious to what is happening around you. This happened during Katrina, ppl were not concerned about the enormosity of the hurricane and destruction that occurred, even the news and media played it down, because ppl were more interested in learning about Gay marriage acts n' rights in california or something like that.
Interesting. I gave up TV this past Ramadan and alhamdulillah, so far so good. I agree, there's absolutely no control over the fitna. What about the commercials? They're horrible!
But I have to say, the internet isn't much better. Sure, I can control what sites I want to visit but from a deen perspective there's a certain amount of ghafla that results, because we can lose ourselves in it. Ok, I'm going off topic... that's the sufi in me talking :-D
I used to waste so much time with TV... I packed it up and kept in store room. Its been almost a year now. I still watch DVD's on my laptop :-)
These days I feel bollywood movies are worse off than hollywood movies in term of ... (u know what)....
Movie Recomendations for this week : Monty Python and Holy grail and Kungfu Hustle
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