Goats in New York City?
That's right ... thousands of West Texas-raised goats and lambs go to theEast Coast every year to supply a growing ethnic population. The largestshipment will take place this week.
Most of the sheep and goats sold in San Angelo every year are purchased andshipped to New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania markets where they areslaughtered and eaten in celebration of ethnic religious holidays, saidBenny Cox, sheep sales manager for Producers Livestock Auction.
Cox said the firm's first sale of 2006 is the only one before the Muslim''Holiday of Sacrifice.'' He said for the last eight years, Muslim buyershave attended the sale and purchased animals for their customers. The buyersprefer young goats, he said.''
It takes 35 hours to truck the goats to the East Coast, and the Muslimcustomers require that the animals arrive alive. Being fresh is a bigfactor, so the goats are slaughtered on arrival with the head remaining onthe carcass,'' Cox said......
''The goat industry in the United States is one of the fastest-growingsegments in American agriculture,'' said Robert Swize, executive director ofthe American Boer Goat Association.(MORE)login: whocares(AT)Idont.com pwd: wassup
It remoins me of that article where modest clothing was finding an ever increasing market :))
Ru volunteering for EID preperation?
Then we are meeting after maghrib for those preparation, Inshallah.. Waseem, Ibrahim(??) and all the volunteers... so If you can make it please come to maghrib at ICC, and also call other ppl who might be also intersted.. inshallah...
^^^above^^ comment is for T1
Check out mine and RN's new blog... we're taking over the world!
bkrn is fultu bakwaas???
i dont think so...
thats just for starters - will change when you write something
So we have to earn a better title? Jeez...
seriously, i gave u such a nice cool title - after i read your first few posts.
Check out my title for your blog. Umeed hai aap ko pasand aye ga :P
What is tp? Is that an Indian thing...
Omigod, is it TIME PASS? That is hurtful...
fultu tp or tp punter or sengdana is all what you do when you have time to kill :) Also means smthng that can occupy you for hours over something very simple...
"Pearls of Wisdom" . I am impressed.
What can I say? I'm just a really, really, really kind human being.
*cough cough* ya right *cough*
R ki bacchi, show some loyalty!
i'm just kidding. i love u jaanu :)thanks for staying last night ;)
T1 really needs to post something new... how about something related to India's pending humiliation on the cricket ground :D
or waht he did for eid?
I have a book review lined up.
I have an eid review lined up.
I have two managers lined up and they broke the queue and wanted first preference.
Go figure.
Sangdil managers.
sangdil????? pakistani thing?
sangdil - sang + dil
== who are same (atleast heart) as you...
sangdil managers= managers who are same as me (atleast heart).
you mean heartless mgrs - so by reverse implication you are saying that I am Heartless.. tsk tsk...
i think i just hurt my brain by reading the last 2 comments :S
sang = stone (urdu)
dil = heart
she meant Stone-hearted managers.
sang = with, same (hindi)
Good grief, T1, I thought you knew more Urdu than that!
T2, you got it-- sangdil= stone- hearted...
I'm going to stick to my Punjabi slang from hereon...
i knew what BK meant...but u 2 are weird.
RN: u figured now???
wow at 12:15 am I was wondering whether to respond to my blog or just go off to sleep. Seems like other people dont have a better way to enjoy their holidays !!
Kaun se holidays??? I'm at work :P and I don't have Monday off either, boo hoo!
why do you want Monday off now?
i hve holidays till monday... then school starts...
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. don't remind me :(
BK why r u working on monday????? u have to come to huda's breakfast award thingy and the MLK walk!!!!!
hey it cut off my "ooooooooooooo's" it was a lot more dramatic.
t1: still waiting......
oh guess it didn't...hehe :)
for what?
huda getting Diversity Award ??
yep. and other fun stuff :)
I'll be there for Hudhud's award but I don't know about the walk, I gotta go to work for a few hours.
T1- isn't everyone off on Monday for MLK Day (except chronic/ clinical workaholics)?
yay! bk ur coming to my award :)
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