Have you searched your full name in google? its a nice exercise that keeps you busy when you have the time.
Unfortunately, with the way google has expanded its search, lately the last few links that pop up are not exactly sites that are recommended. So i have all these links that refer to my publications, the last one contributes to a fall. T2 once you are done dealing with naseeb why dont u take this up with the google guys. you prob can then spend your summer in Palo Alto, CA!!!!
it would help if you post the search phrase you used. and the about the not-recomended sites. may be u landed on google bombs..
send me details..
just put your own name "--t2--" (with the ") ;the one that you use for your publications. and see for yourself. It works for your name.
i used this "syed Toufeeq ahmed" and found no bad links.... if you find some of the links that are dynamically generated and does not match the keysword you typed then T1 welcome to the world called search engine optimization (aka google 'results' hacking')....
Let me know if any of your friends want their page up in google or msn or yahoo for almost any keyphrase... we do charge for our service..
i could just google it and find the solution myself. and do you really think i will pay for such services on the internet
try yourself, term is "search engine optimization" (SEO)...
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