Mon-forget an anniversary and get virtually beaten up. Become a mamoo once more. Pinky had a son on Mon, and both are fine.
Mangalwaar-Think again about what we have. Alhamdulillah. Subhanallah my losses and limitations are not as painful as what Allah showed me.
Los Dos Melinos has spicy salsas but not much taste in food. Anyways mexican is not my choice.
Mittswoch-Cold Turkey Day -> standing in the cafetaria for the second cup for coffee, i decide that thats it. Buy a fruit juice cocktail, and defend my decision all day.
Thursday was two thumbs down and again there I was trying to convince myself that Allah will have something better for me.
ICEV is in that metastate again, thats depressing. it will need another posting by itself. Subhanallah later on in the day you are thankful that you dont have to walk 280 miles just so that your offspring can live. (There are other challenges tho). March of the Penguins has remarkable footage, forgetable music and narration, and the glory of Allah's creations.
Jumuah - Get a flyer, leave for lunch. Flaming Kabobs was worth it. At Dhohr, we get a flyer and 1/2 an hour llater we are over there. A must go, since it has halal hamburgers for $4! Fultoo Paisa vasool!!!!!! plus the regular mid-east choices. plenty of space. ask for more.
And why ingenue - song from great expectations - this post is so amateurish but yet finds presence here, for the sole purpose to get me back on track. "you are a survivor wolverine.." Col. Stryker..