So after the big hiatus, it does not count whether my last story should be continued or not. gist of the remaining story is that naheed, my ex-1182-mate, also turns out to be second cousin on dadi's side- and I know of this after two years of staying with him. Subhanallah. yes, yes all the usual suspects will point to the fact that boys dont share information and blah blah blah etc (which is unfortunately not true), the fact is that he mentioned a different dehaat and so we never went beyond that while we were there.
Blame it on procrastination that I could not publish this story earlier - but i am still floating around on an imaginary cloud still trying to fathom the fact that naheed is no more mr enthu but boleto bhai.
Also blame it on procraastination that i could not write about an impromptu decision to go to disneyland and cursing the exit signs of the piece of crap called Cali. But an impromptu decision is an impromptu one and brings with it a piece of excitement - excitement such as leaving your belt and hairbrush behind etc etc. Right now they have plenty of mickey mice and i dont know why that is the happiest place on the planet. i was happy because i got my share of cotton candy.
Disneyland is fun for kids and irritating for adults.
I'm am such a STUD!
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