A nice rebuttal to a story rocking desiland. mumbai gets labelled as the rudest city - oh sorry diplomatically correct - mumbai is the least polite city.
You can search online for how polite is defined in three questions:
[1] does anyone help you if your file falls down?
[2] does anyone hold the door for you?
[3] does the shopkeeper says thank you?
After living here, the quesitons should be:
[1] have you said hi to your neighbor even once and asked if they were doing ok? (what i have a neighbor?!!)
[2] do you even smile/wish the minimum-wage-worker working for your hoa? (ooh we dont know what their criminal profile maybe)
Talk about smiles plastered for occasions with internal revulsion for doing that action. See all the newspaper photos with chamkeelay batteesi.
mumbai is known even in india to be difficult city to visit.. let alone live there..
it is one of the costliest city to live... one of the most crowded place...
why don't every body move to banlgore/mysore or hyderabad... that way we can create seperate muslim state or country...
We will call it Islamic Republic of Deccan. Always had been an independent country with a brief occupation by moghuls...and now by indian union....
HAHA i'm gonna have to tell ZA that one :P
who is ZA, with freedom lovers.. or on-the-fence-sitter?
ZA is a very nationalistic little girl from mumbai.
muslims have to be united... alteast in india..
i think khalifa hav to come back.. no khalifa no unity...
I have just followed the rudest city story. Not gone through it in detail. Depends on who they have interviewed. Having lived in Mumbai, I can tell you that Mumbaikars have a standard bad opinion about the city. So much so that they will go to different lengths to show how the city sucks. But ask them where else they will live, and the best they can come up with is Vashi!!
A note for Mr. Freedom fighter. There's an Islamic Republic to the west and one to the east. You can go there. You don't have to go through the headaches of starting one by yourself.
Wow, Rahul Bose can act AND write? How cool. I like the points that he makes- how can individualist cultures such as those in the US and Europe be compared to the collectivist cultures of the East?
I'll bet despite the fact that Mumbai is so crowded and busy, people are still friendlier and more accommodating to each other than in Western countries.
But it's just a different mentality- there's no need for artifical smiles, hellos and thank yous and loud 'have a great day's!
When it comes down to it, I would much rather see people keep it real.
Brother Sandgroper,
I was not born in either East or west of Deccan, I was born in Deccan. And Deccan was an independent State before Indian Union occupied it forcefully.
Operation Polo was the military operation of annexation of the princely Hyderabad state into India, by the Indian Army in September 1948. It was the first and the largest police action undertaken in Independent India.
Unfortunately, the annexation of Hyderabad was followed by an orgy of communal violence. As reports of atrocities being committed against the Muslim minority reached Delhi, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru commissioned an unofficial report from a group of veteran Congressmen made up of two Hyderabadi Muslims who had prominently opposed the Nizam's rule and chaired by a Hindu, Pandit Sunderlal. After extensively touring the state, the committee presented its report, entitled "On the Post-Operation Polo Massacres, Rape and Destruction or Seizure of Property in Hyderabad State," to Nehru and Patel in January 1949. In village after village across the state, the report catalogued incidents of murder and mass rape, sometimes carried out by troops, in other cases committed by Hindu mobs after troops had disarmed the Muslim population. Ultimately, according to the report, an estimated 200,000 Hyderabadi Muslims were slaughtered in the aftermath of Operation Polo. The fall of Hyderabad and the ensuing bloodbath also sparked a mass exodus to Pakistan among the state's Muslim population.
Listen to those who sufferred.
freedom fighter,
do you foster a sense of hatred for what happened before you? How far do you want to go in history just to verify fact upon fact upon fact? where will it lead you to - nothing.
What you have brought up is the fact of making today's people pay for what happened before they were born. You can see that in the indo-pak disputes that occur. (artificial patriotism in the name of kashmir from all 3/4 sides)
Also next question will be the granularity you divide down to - first there was yugoslavia, and now serbia/montenegro/bosnia/ herzegovina? do you go down to level of tribes and then introduce tribal warfare?
I totally agree that muslims were/are a scapegoat in these conflicts, and I WANT justice for them. But creating just another state is probably not the solution.
And finally correct me if I am wrong - but did Rasulallah Sallahualahi wa sallam, go about wreaking vengeance? No (refer to conquest of Mecca). Did he aim for justice for all - Yes. Did he make his city a model city - Yes.
So why are we not working towards the same thing?
mollywood fan,
Yes I was surpsised that Rahul Bose could write as well as he did.
Freedom is every humans birth right. Vengeance is never a good or sane solution ever.
What we are refering to is NOT vengeance, but the right, right to live with Security, right to live as first class citizens, represenation and equality.
150 million is not a joke. 150 millions makes up more than half of europes population, 150 million ppl are being kicked around in the name of "minority" and are treated as second class citizens.
How can you guarantee that Gujrat will never happen again, or Babri masjid will never happen again?
How do you stop it from happening?
Ultimate solution is have your land..
** our own piece of land.
Equal rights and representation, or bare the brunt of one more division.
Parliament seats ( we are NOT asking medical school reservations, or job reservation).
Parliament seats, 15% should be reserved for muslims... like there are for SC and ST....
And every state legislature should have have equal seats based on the percentile popluation of muslims in that state....
Sound inequal?
No quota in Army, no quota in education.. just represenation.
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