how do you politely ignore someone who is giving out flyers for a noble task within the community?
I have seen many tactics, such as staring down to the ground and walk as if you are searching for something that you dropped earlier. Or talk with friends and ignore you, as if they want to devote all their attention to the friend. But this Friday, I saw a newer one - Take one shoe in each hand, and walk confidently out. If the guy distributing the flyers offers you one, then just raise both hands signalling an inability to carry anymore. Subhanallah!!!
but on a positive note - ICC did an amazing job to lead,clean and beautify the cemetary. Thanks to all the people from the community that showed up. Inshallah it will soon be an oasis in the desert.
"oasis in the desert"
Taking pictures of graves allowed in Islam?
which is bid'ah?
calling oasis in the desert?
or pic of graves?
good questions - need to check it for myself.
i am not taking photos of graves for the sake of hanging on my walls etc. I wish to show how clean the cemetary was after we finished cleaning up the place. I was slightly late in taking photos before the cleanliness campaign started.
how is life?
how is life - life is a circle i think, because of the saying "what goes around, comes around"
"Kal ek chakra hai". "Shriti ke apne hi niyam hai".
"Shristi ke apne hi niyam hai". "Na kaal se vikalp karpaoge". "Na Shristi ke yuddh". "Shristi aur kaal, manush ke sankalp mein nahi hai". "Manush Kaal ke mutthi mein hai".
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