MIR are an amazing way to cheat people with false prices. The best one I have ever seen is the case where I bought some stuff for which the mail in rebate had to go out after 2 months but before three months from purchase date. So now it is not merely simple to say that i come home and send the MIR asap. MIR (as we know it) surely sounds like some martketing grad student had nothing to do.
But there is one rebate that you are assured of and you dont even have to mail it in!! Its our good deeds in our life-time that will act as a rebate on that final day. Guess that what keeps us going.
how do you like the 1$ mir for toilet paper?
MIRs are so irritating! It's like getting our tax refund at the end of the year- you're excited, but it was your money to begin with :)
"Its our good deeds in our life-time that will act as a rebate on that final day". InshaAllah and ameen!
i hate rebates... after "forgetting" or slacking to send rebates.. i now doing buy anything that is on rebate...
**i not dont buy
alas some peepal like me dont learn.
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