The price of gas has started pinching my pocket a lot and hence to counter that i have started closing myself in within the walls of my room for longer periods of time. What I am trying to actually imply is that I am sleeping a lot, more importantly cleaning my room, and lastly catching up on a lot of PS2.
But meeting up with a couple of bros who sell mopeds, I thought I had the solution to tackle the gas prices. Add moped-pooling and it is a sone-pe-suhaaga situation. However safe driving like the one that Miracles101 reported, exists in India, and the americans in their massive SUVs are still dangerous on the road. I know that these mopeds cannot be driven on the freeways as I will be sucked into the 18 wheelers. But keeping this thought aside, what actually convinced me from not buying a moped was the second accident I witnessed in as many months. Only today's accident was terrible. The intersection was the one that I visit everyday and was actually heading towards it. One person was killed after being rescued from his vehicle and the other person was lying on the pavement. One diligent police officer was running the rescue operations and common people were out there redirecting traffic away. The Car soon burst into flames - and frankly till that moment i beleived that happened only in Hollywood movies. The Black smoke and fire was eye opening. We were shooed off from the scene as soon as the fire personnel arrived. I guess i can leave all the moped riding for India in the upcoming months.
What exacerbated this, was my chat with another fajr-brother who survived one such crash (Alhamdulillah) but is handicapped in many aspects.
Each time such an incident happens I am taken aback and am reflecting back about all the things that may not be in accordance with what I believe in and wonder if this was the eye-opener that I need to stick more firmly with my beliefs. May Allah protect me on these streets of USA.
Nice article. But it does not scare me from buying a motor cycle. I miss it so much.
It is risky though on freeways. With these big A** trucks. Even if they 'touch' you at 65 miles per hour, you and ur motor cycle will fly 50 metres away... but thats the fun part...
the feel of air on your face, at 80 miles per hour.... is PRICELESS
The AZ highways are scary and the drivers are deranged.
forget the highways - the AZ roads are dangerous.
The turning indicators are never used. I have seen people not turning their left turn indicators just because they are standing in the left lane. And if they have to turn right - then no chance of indicator. AA bail mujhe maar.
you guyz should drive more in LA district... to appreciate AZ traffic.
Come to seattle, inshaAllah. We will go to Vancouver.
In india I always used to go south for road trips... in US, I always go north.. :)
3 weeks baby. Back to the chaos called the Bombay-Pune Highway!!!
Have person who i know has worked in an ER tells me never to buy a motorcyle or moped, i take their experiences to heart.
How about the chaos called as Tadiwala Road, dhole Patil road, ... an nearly all roads. Probably Bombay - Pune Highway is the only place where you will be able to drive at a leisure pace.
Dont forget your helmet.
I miss my M-80 :(
I miss my Honda Splendor too, Very next day, after I got it, I went to king kothi and changed its handle, custom made, modified handle..
My dad was like, what happened to handle.. he thought i crashed the bike and got a stupid looking handle, he believed only after i showed him original one intact....
I still have it, inshaAllah will get a chance again to ride it in december...
last time i went, i landed there in the night , very next morning, i was out riding it to relatives house... my mom thought i forgot to ride it...hahahahhhahaha
it is huge fun to ride motorcyle when it is raining tumblers....
Third- world driving zindabad.
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