This blog is fast losing its ratings. So people say!! and probably it is true. I myself have started coming less often to it. ok bad joke and hope no one laughed at it.
So to say the least, one cannot enjoy a vacation and find that we have guests from home. Add some birthdays, a Cubs meeting that I personally did not want, and then the MAS conference. And yes did I forget two sick people and the 4 work-week semifinal lap.
And finally a blog whose ratings are falling (only 22 hits per day last week)
But on the brighter side, Utah was beautiful. The snow was refreshing. The water was sweet (but not as sweet as yosemite). The gorges were beautiful. The hotel was cozy. The drive was awesome. The exercise was lively. The cider was oooh so yummy. The canyon was cold and windy and snowy. And the company was fantabulous. Oh sorry before this blog loses its ratings - this was at Zion National Park.
(to be contd)
Ok, the ratings are back up :)
I love Utah.. brice? canyon is the best canyon of all...
utah is good place to live, good wheather, mormons...
i want to go to Utah for msa westzone conf. where is SA? she would enjoy these comments.
SA??? oh yeah she would enjoy these comments?!??!??
when is msa west zone conf.. and where in utah..
SA is my other best friend. she grew up in utah.
msa conf is march 31 in SLC.
T1: don't have a heart attack! sheesh!
R: thanks for the info, i dont know if i can make it..
A heart atack will only be for the good :).
so whats the deal with msa-west and msa-national-west zone?
driving to salt lake would be ideal but is just too far for 3 days.
how is anyone going there (if they are)?
so you have two best friends + 1 jaanu + baaah, lost track already...
Best, the best, bestest, da bestest, da bestest ever, da bestest ever ever....best bestest.. the bestest...
best(x) :- the best, bestest, da bestest, da bestest ever, da bestest ever ever.
% then recursive predicate
bestest(Y):- the best(Y), bestest(Y), da bestest(Y), da bestest ever(Y), da bestest ever ever(Y).
% some first-order logic facts
da bestest(best(bestest)).
the above is the only recursive language spoken in some 'island' discovered by a guy (with false white hair) who got lost and to keep his king happy ( and save his head mainly) called the natives 'red indies' or something like that in 15 century spanish.
// if you like queen victoria and //her blood line (highly doubtable) //, queen elizabeth
//then the language is non-recursive
// but has its own set of constraints
// but you dare not raise a finger, //atleast not the middle finger //(alone), while queen passes in her //car, coming back to 'best' in //ENGLANDISH
Best(X):- null.
Best(Y):- null.
Best(Z):- Queen. // screen flashes ' long live the queen'.
R bechari doesn't really have any friends, it's all in her mind...
t2: way too early in the morning for your phD equations
How come RN does not have really have any friends? How about BK?
i woke up this morning with 3 hr of sleep.. I have a LISP project due..
btw, my mind is more creative in wee hours of night. sometimes I get up, with a peom or some lines or an algorithm or innovative idea in mind .. and forget it as soon as i finish brushing my teeth...
just a nice way of saying that you solved the problems of the world in your dreams...
RN surely has plenty of friends. Have not met a girl who does not have this one particular friend who knows her and her ideas and likes dislikes etc etc.
But yes i can say that for boys.
t1: Sure, most girls have a close friend that they tell everything to.
Guys don't because they're emotionally unavailable :P
"emotionally unavailable"
this is not true... just becos we can't take ur gispit for more than 5 mins , u cant call us this...
Any comment, incident, greivance can be said in less than 2 mins. 1 mins = 60 sec.
[Boys Manual, volume 1948.23]
Good luck telling that to your future wife :P
Ek minute mein seedha karde gi...
that was good.
man, I rarely speak urdu these days, im forgetting it day by day..
You should talk to yourself in Urdu...
if he starts that, he wont be able to understand himself!!!
dude I speak funniest urdu ever.. hydro urdu is funniest of all. remember how funny i was last time SS invited to his house and also tried to cook chicken, and half the chicken flew out of the house when IMix tried to see it food was done.
BK: I talk to myself in Sindarin and Quenya, when I am really upset and angry I talk in Rohirric. Thing is I dont understand Rohirric that well. So I mess up translating it to english and urdu.
Punjabis speak the best Urdu.
i am guessing no one here is a punjabi....
Technically correct urdu: Lucknow
Cute (according to me) urdu : punjabis
urdu that sounds like cursing : bombay (may be becos of bollywood movies)
but funniest and easiest urdu = hyderabad
hau, samjhe na..apni urdu acchi aur doosraon ki dal barabar... hyderabadi zuban ke bare mein tummaku kya maloom...
Except for me :)
arrey then we can crack 'pun'jabi jokes on her....
u mean sardar jokes...
dont forget that punjabis rule pakistan.. i dont think MQM and Altaf hussian ever will come to power ... is this guy still alive and active..
For real- t1, the PUNjabi jokes won't work on me :P
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