Ok dont have my own photos yet, but soon Inshallah.
And then A-bhai was in townthroughout the week, and I got to eat some stuff that doesnot get cooked always. But then also had to buy some stuff for beboo, and make that 'red' line that T2 was more recently talking about.
Then happy birthday to bhanjaa. BBQ at our regular spot on a thursday night, when everyone around us wants to exercise adn play tennis, whereas our khandaan is laid back waiting for the meat to be grilled and filling the air with this oh so delicious aroma from all the desi marination. Yummmmeeee , juicy steaks and ginger chicken. We could not get to the stuffed cornish hens, i wonder why? bhanjaa dear went off to sleep before blowing the candles, so we had the cake without the wax.
How old is your nephew? He's so cute mashAllah... I saw a pic NE took of him at ice-skating.
btw why did u write some many posts... one was enough, i think....
I did the blogger admistration team comment... no need to panic..
NE takes all these photos but we dont get to see them!! !!!
the camera brigade in our community is terrifying. RN, NE and gadzillions with tiny cameras clicking away at will and taking proof of who all did what all at an event!!!!
t2 - we can understand your writing very well. you fooled no one.
Yah, for real I knew the blogger admin team comment was t2 as well.
t1- I've seen other pics of you and your buddies as well... muahahahaha...
T1 and BK: u guyz never said that it was me, before I told u guyz.. i know it was not that professional and all but I actually thought of sending T1 an email from blogger.. but it was too much work..
nevertheless.. it did its job.. T1 did panic and posted gazilion bilion blogs..
yes thats why there was a wait of 9 days before a post appeared!!
and also see i told you there was someone from tempe who had done it.
I know BK did not do it. that leaves you and RN (from tempe).
the writing was surely not feminine, so that leaves T2.
gasp the MASs cairing group!! have to be sure of where their camera is pointing.
Brothers are not allowed to do that but then this world is unequal anyways.... so i just have to live with it.
oh read my comment on the other post.
The blogger admin team was obviously t2... just cause no one said it doesn't mean we didn't think it!
I personally don't take pics of brothers unless it's an event (like the open house) where there are a bunch of people. It would be as inappropriate for a sister to do it as a brother.
j/k after i broke my camera, i did not have enuf moolah to buy another one ... sniff sniff
BK: Should i tell the little food serving incident during MAS dinner?
are you blackmailing her? just tell it if you have a story else she will kindly post it on her blog.
Which food serving incident? I don't remember...
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