
Tag is dangerous - dont play

Subhanallah, tag is now declared by one an Attleboro elementary school to be violent for the kids. Reminds me of those times we played hide&seek, and to take the denner out, we ran, skinned our knees, elbows, cried and then went back to play. How far are we going to shield our children??? There is already the rule of "spare the rod and spoil the child" (and babysitters are gnashing right now). It seems all topsy turvy here.


bushraaa said...

Retarded! Instead of eliminating tag, how about getting rid of video and computer games? I'd rather my kid trip and fall than be dumb and lazy!

Maryum said...

i agree. totally retarded.

s. Toufeeq a. Ahmed said...

Both are good... computer/video games and outdoor games... there should be a balance...

T 1 said...

computer and video games stimulate only the mind - at that young age the anabolic activity possible by the body gets stunted. the brain is still forming complex connections to solve a variety of problems. video games only provide for development of reflex actions within the screen. none of the kids plays any educational games on those devices. think real life.

Anonymous said...

There should be balance...

InActivity is always been decreasing..

Comapare yourself to ur father or grandfather... working day activity...

Anonymous said...

** InActivity is always been increasing..