
Dear X

If my thanking God for His blessings is a blessing,
then I must thank Him again in the same measure again.
How can one thank Him save by His grace
as time goes on and life goes by?
If a good thing comes, I rejoice heartily;
if a bad thing comes, I receive a reward.
In both cases He gives me a gift too large
for the minds of men, and the land and sea.
- Mahmud al-Warraq

Everyday of the year we come across many blessings that we don't even acknowledge. There were numberous fund-raisers so that we will have enough funds for the year to come, but how many of us thought about those people who started that masjid, fund, organisation that actually is benefitting us today. I am guilty over here itself since this was brought to my attention over a casual iftar, by a person who was coming for the first time.

This post is to remind us of "X" who contributed for the masjid that I pray in today, who made possible my iftar, who made material available for free for the sake of knowledge, who stand up for me in the places I dont know, who help me in becoming a better person either directly or indirectly, who teach me knowingly and unknowingly, who think they are better than others and use their talent likewise, who refuse to acknowledge their worth but always are like the hidden gems, who unify people for a common goal either for sport or recreation or anything constructive, who work without pay, who run events because they like to, who give a smile whenever they can, and who thank you for what you have done.


bushraaa said...

Yay, I like this post the best because it's dedicated to 'x', which could be anyone at anytime. It's easier to appreciate those that we know and love, than those we do not, right? SubhanAllah, but both are so beneficial to us.

T 1 said...

No I was not especially homesick - atleast not more than anyone of you were.

This was just a series of appreciation posts that hopefully covered my different circles. The idea came about at my scouts eitikaaf, so blame my scouts for it.

glad you people liked it. I did not want to take names as names would fit into multiple roles that I aimed to identify.

T 1 said...

And above all I hope that you go beyond asking for only yourselves in mercy, blessings, security and whatever that may be from Allah SWT, but also remember each one of these (and probably more) in your prayers in these last 4 days/nights.

Javed said...
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Javed said...

Salaams Tanwir, this is Javed from the boys scouts of St. Vincent's High School.Remember? Hope you're doing fine. I'll be moving to Scottsdale from Chicago insha-allah by next month, would like to get in touch with you, talk about some of those crazy adventures at Rajmachi. You can contact me on javshak[at]gmail[dot]com and i'll reply to you. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

walaikum assalaam Javed , read you email.

welcome to Scottsdale!!! Glad to have one more puneite

Javed said...

Thanks for the early welcome but there's still time before I arrive ;) Hope it's not too hot out there.

Anonymous said...

be ready for 55 F nights!! this is the btter time of the year to arrive.

Get your skiing gear; they are 2.5 hours away.