
Dear Sister

Muslim relates on the authority of 'Abdallah ibn Amr (ra) that the Prophet saws said " whoever does not show compassion to our young, and does not know the rights of elders. is not one of us."

One of the distasteful features today is the worship of youth and its indifference towards the elderly. We have strong sentiments of independent views among the youth but lack of mental ability to counter the consequences that these views bring about. The resentment towards authority, and the overnight disappearance of the trust that existed before the rebellous teenage 'I-am-right' years. Elderly folks are given all avenues of "easy-assisted" living but the main pillars of their assistance get their jobs done by a monthly payment to the shelter.

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. People around you help you grow, and only in the weirdest of places will they be unsupportive of everyone's wish to live a better life.

This post goes towards all the people that I know have made my life better - to my sister who cared for me, played with me, quarrelled with me, scolded me, shared her icecream when mine got over, taught me- to my cousins who all contributed to make the diverse family in terms of education and non-education, closely familial and distantly familial, urban and rural - to grandparents that were an example by themselves, teachers like no others, and pamperers of grandchildren - to those people whom you never know how they are related, but are always seen at family gatherings, and who always support your family - to those friends from elementary, secondary,high,undergrad and grad schools who played, competed etc - to those friends who did not have to be in your school to be friends with you.

What you are today is partly a product of what you were surrounded with. Those people who have shaped your life deserve a round of thought in your prayers for mercy from Allah swt.


bushraaa said...

MashaAllah nice post, t1 is on a ROLL... how about the next one be dedicated to your fellow bloggers, and how much they have contributed to your life. Hehe :)

s. Toufeeq a. Ahmed said...

hmmm now I hav to seriously talk to T1.... what is going on?

btw nice post....Sisters are best!