Angel Sweets - on dobson and chandler has great Mango icecream and pineapple and many more. Slightly better than the think coldstone stuff.
Bahama (something) on Elliot and Rural has some 42 flavors for shaved ice and i recommend cream with it.
Over an out - not using my brains too much right now.
coldstone on mill is bestest.. will try urs too when chandler moves to mill avenue.
On the way to Kingman/ Bullhead, there is a tiny town called Wickenburg.
In Wickenburg there is a place called Chaparral.
It has the *best* homemade ice- cream, sundaes, etc etc. SO GOOD!
Coldstone is the same in Tempe, Chandler, Avondale, etc etc. As are all chain establishments :P
Yes chapparal is good too. I never knew it would be so famous.
Isnt that the same road to Vegas as well?
Its the cornershop and the parking has some historical monument.
T2 - you go gallavanting in town for electronics and movies and still want angel sweet to come to tempe to serve you!!!
'Isnt that the same road to Vegas as well?'
Probably. But I wouldn't know- I stay as far away from that fitna- packed city as possible.
t2: please don't become a typical American who doesn't want to go anywhere for anything, but wants everything to arrive at their doorstep instead!
ya ya...I m in love with tempe.. if i stay here for 2-3 years more, i would call it my home town.. but allah has his plans..
I had chance to go to sin-city aka vegas like 6 times.. but would never go..my advisor goes like every semester...
"gallavanting" what that supposed to mean..electronics are not 'pleasure' they are life..
Vegas has one of the best roller coasters at Stratosphere.
Vegas has a convention center where numerous fundu technology fairs are organised.
Vegas has one of the best indoor arrangements like venice etc etc.
I agree Vegas has all those other distractions as well, but it all depends on the group that you go with.
ya it depends on the group.... but it is better to keep away .... I know myself..
'I agree Vegas has all those other distractions as well, but it all depends on the group that you go with'.
Acha? Then I guess I shouldn't go with my alcohol- drinking, gambling kaafir buddies :D
I am not aware of what kind of buddies you have ;) The small number that I know you hang out with seem fine.
Some of my so called 'alcohol drinking, gambling kaafir' buddies are also the ones that have kept me away from gettng "distracted".
I was joking. Gosh!
My buddies are alhamdulillah pretty cool- what you see is all I've got... minus the ones I grew up with who currently reside all over the world.
You should introduce t2 to your friends that keep you from getting distracted :)
I am big distraction myself.. plus I get distracted easily...
T1 is good as is.
See the ";)" - thats meant to keep things light. Gosh some people are always too serious!!!! :)
"I am big distraction myself.. plus I get distracted easily..."
REALLY? Hmmm...
"T1 is good as is"
If you say so ;)
(was that good use of the smiley face?)
have you seen movie "robots" T1 is one of them actually one that is played by Robin Willams (Red, funny one), I mean you cant add any more "nuts and bolts to it"
So he is good as is.
Man, ASU campus is too distracting.. as summer starts .. it get more and more distrating.. good that I dont have classes on that side of campus.. and I am happy that im in 'right' dept.. geek zone.. even girsl are so geeky here.
I loved Robots! It was cutie.
t2, are you saying what I think you're saying about ASU being distracting 'in the summer'???
Here's a dual solution for you- lower your gaze and get married :)
InshaAllah khair.
Lets get the distraction part right..
The main distraction and 'fight' is between poet/artist? and a trying-to-be-a-good-muslim .. in that split second before one wins .. almost all the time, the muslim part wins.. I hope it remains that way all my life..
Is admiring beauty haram? Human beauty? (all beauty is from Allah (swt)) Is not it that the way you look at it. I mean, what are your intentions that matter most.. Allahhu Alim...
We all struggle in the battle between our nafs and trying to be a good Muslim. InshaAllah *most* of the time, we succeed.
As far as admiring beauty goes, well it depends on what you mean by this. In our deen, that which leads to haraam is in itself haraam. So, in order to protect yourself from unnecessary feelings and desire, you should keep your gaze lowered. Wa Allahu alim.
Yes, intention is important. But biology is biology. When a guy looks at a girl, it is generally for one reason- and if she isn't dressed modestly, well it's just bad. That's my humble opinion :)
Yes, biological/physical attraction is always in the picture.. But I was talking about.. beauty.. if I see somebody with beautiful eyes.. that does not mean I want to marry her or someting.. but beauty is beauty..
I get you point.. nafs and our control on it shows our level of iman.. suppose you have full control on nafs ( I dont claim I have), but just assume, then can't you admire beautiful eyes.. just a question.. may be I should ask this on askimam or sunnipath..
may be I should ask this on askimam or sunnipath..
YES, indeed. Mujhe kuch nahin pata. Haven't you realized this as yet???
Seriously, though we're allowed one look- remember? As far as the eyes, sure look at them. Once. And then look away :) Simple.
Its not that simple..sometimes..
yes especially when they are wearing lens that have smiley faces on them!!!
hahaha.. lens makes eyes look so fake...
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