Dragging myself on some days to the office, I come across one bumper sticker that gets my mood up - ONE NATION UNDER EDUCATED.
I never really bothered to spend further time, since it was the election season, and what-the-heck the politicians will do anything to get them votes.
But in the last two days the One Nation Under my skin is haunting me- one nation under survelliance, one nation under therapy, one nation under DEBT.
Though there is one thing that is not under - One Nation Over-Weight
Overweight can also equal undernourished.
I see no point in critizing US alone so much.
For muslims USA and India are no different. Atleast there is some accountability in US, where as India does care about that.
I am sure that there are positives that start with one nation under...
Also its more common for us to criticize or to say kindly "find anomalies" with something that is new. It is part of our critical thinking of relating to things back home and then immedicately finding the differences over here.
For indian muslims, any country is no different. even the so-called muslim countries dont give you rights.
Whats not provided in india is not provided in usa. we can continue to count the favors and limitations in each country. ultimately we have to realize that we dont have a bed of roses here or there.
BTW did you all read about the article where the babies are obese (rhyming but not intentional). they cannot fit in their car seats anymore. wonder why they charge double for obese people on the planes!!!!
Actually, I think the US should be criticized because it is the super power and as such should be setting a better example, at least in regards to nutrition and health. Where else in the world are people feeding themselves to death?
Obesity in babies, toddlers and small children is another frightening epidemic in this society. And it wreaks havoc- they go on to develop immense sickness and diseases that even 10 years ago, were non- existent in that age group.
I have full empathy for those who have a certain predisposition to being overweight, but none whatsoever to those who choose to eat poorly, avoid any form of exercise and still complain about the violation of their rights as an extra- large member of society.
t1: i read it today.. columbus health instutite research..
bk: Obesity is sign of how 'rich' a society is.. roman at the height of their civilazation were obese and so lazy that they stopped cleanliness and became target of plague. I read some where.
t2: It USED to be a sign of wealth and prosperity- and still is, in certain countries, including our homelands.
However, such is contrary to the truth in the US- the most obese people here are the ones with the lowest socio- economic status.
As the author of 'French Women Don't Get Fat' (I would highly reccommend anyone to read it) states, eating healthy food should be a right, not a luxury. And unfortunately, in the US nutritious, organic, etc food is too expensive for the masses. And thus they resort to eating junk.
Fast food is really, really cheap and really, really fattening.
I read the article "French Women Don't Get Fat".. book I heard is really popular too.
in europe the portions are A LOT smaller than here. here u go to a restaurant and the amount of food they give u is ridiculous!
that is right.. I was surprized at the size of drink (soda), small is like large in india.. how can ppl drink medium and large , it was too large size..
..after a month I was ordering large :)
R: funny you mentioned that... I've never seen you leave *any* food on your plate :P
thats good manners on the part of R.
thats one of the reasons i dont like italian food here in the USA. They serve just too huge portions.
What about the sweet levels? After eating a chocolate cake the other day, even a kaju katli felt tasteless. European cakes rock. Indian Cakes Rule!!!
I second that.. desserts are more sweeter...
Sugar is also fattenning.. really fattenining...
"Corn Syrup" in almost every drink is really a killer... One of the main reason for the obesity of native americans is 'corn syrup', which inturn leads to Diabetes that is so prevelanat among them..
'Good manners' or greed. Depending on how you look at it- one could also eat half of the huge portion, and take the other half home in a styrofoam box. Would that be considered bad manners?
I don't really have sweet tooth. But when I do indulge, fresh ice cream is my choice of sin :D
Oh and you're right, t2- soda is a big problem too. Overconsumption. The other day I saw two really heavy people holding H U G E cups of Allah-knows-what. Yuck.
abey kuchh naya likh.
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