A new family in town comes to a masjid for a halaqa hoping to meet atleast one new person. They come early, pray, sit through the halaqa and then wait and then leave. They are slightly disappointed and wonder if they were white americans they would have had someone receive them with a smiling face, or if they were recent reverts then people would have been more inviting. They wonder if there was some other masjid that probably has more to offer.
One thing that I like about Toastmasters is that every officer that holds a position has one important job - Greet Guests with a smiling face and invite them to speak about their opinion on the meeting. There are many more things that we can learn positively from the toastmaster handbook. But this stands out - Greet Guests and give a voice to their face.
The above story was first evident in L.A. Basic assumption was that the community there was huge and hence no one really bothered. Dr. Hassan Hathout actually in one of his khutbahs had pointed out the growing indifference that we had created to the person beside us. We did not even shake hands with them after prayer, let alone know his name. He had enforced a strict reminder for that khutbah that we shake hands and introduce ourselves to the two people beside you. That had helped. I never thought I would need to refer to something like this again.
An american muslim identity exists mostly on paper (as yet); the above story was enacted on two different desi families who had visited ICC over the last month, but somehow the brownies dawah factor was missing.
May Allah give us the ability to be better (dawah givers -sorry dont know the correct words).
2 words: Muslim cliques.
Its everywhere.. not just muslims.. if you are new to place its your job.. to try to meet new people.. I learnt it long ago..
Ideally it should be that way.. But I have seen this recently.. ppl come to masjids when they are new to place to meet somebody after a week or so.. they never turn up... this i have seen with new ASU students.. I guess they make new "cool" friends..
Neways.. what you said I felt it many times.. we do make these cliques.. and cluster.. based on nationality or langauge...
"Ideally it should be that way.."
typo sorry..
Ideally it should be OTHER way..
great i was hunting around for the meaning of 'cliques' since i mostly use coterie or consort instead. clique is a very kind word for such a group.
i guess there are subtle difference...
add geek word that sums up all..
That's one good thing about Albuquerque...we don't have much of anything only a little of everything...so if you see a desi, you go running, you see a Muslim, you go running. Unfortunetly, we have a different problem: NO one is really friends because they WANT to be friends. We're friends because we really don't have any other choice. Humph.
some ppl are mean and stuck up and others are just shy and feel bad...they want to say something to new people but don't.
humph! i'm offended!
one solution...
somebody new comes to masjid... inform TJ about them... they will take care..
one solution...
somebody new comes to masjid... inform TJ about them... they will take care..
ok I shall make it Constantinoble.
whats about Constantinople?
What do TJ's have to do with anything???
Atifa - you dont have to be friends with every muslim you meet around NM. The very fact that you give the feeling to a newcomer that they were noticed and are welcome is sufficient. I can fully understand what you mean by the running aspect - I found my first masjid in the states by doing just that.
R - Silk Route is good -sounds classy and also serves as the historical gateway.
T2 even better than TJ are the real estate agents !!!
This new brother thought I was a real estate agent, from my question on whether he had found accomodation on arrival. Had a good laugh with him after he found that we were in the same engineering field.
TJ are really welcoming to newcomers...
t1 : good that he took you as real estate agent... not as Amway or QuickStar agent...
Silk Route is not a gateway...it is legendary/historical 'ROUTE' connecting... west (read rome/greek) to east (read china/hindkush connecting to india)...
thanks you finally understood it!!!
phd ho to tere jaisa.
Silkworms are cute.
"phd ho to tere jaisa"
is it a compliment or a ..?
todays plan:
Ditch PhD and go to africa... they need volunteers.. "Engineers without borders"....
How about posting a new nice story...
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