
Silly musings of an overworked mind

The last injury I received was a deep gash across my palm. In traditional palmistry, the parabolic line circling the thumb is supposed to indicate the life span for that individual. So the wound got me wondering about the effects it may have on my life span, had it cut the same. Since astrology is haraam in Islam, I gave palmistry an innocent until proven guilty treatment. To make palmistry innocent, I dropped in the assumption that the very pointed end was my last day, i.e. today. So now solving for the wonderful y=ax^2, you could find the point of intersection of that gash with your lifeline. Only problem then is that you died at that point - so what am I doing now??? Seems to remind me awfully of the heisenberg uncertainity principle, where you did not know whether the electron was inside or outside the container. I never understood that principle at all, and had studied raman effect (as the option question). So that killed further progress on this interesting problem.

Why did I remember the equation of the parabola - blame the ASU student I had coached last semester.

N.B to add theoretical physics to my list of after-retirement-activities?


Anonymous said...

Palmistry goes hand in hand with astronomy- I don't know if it's haraam, though definitely baseless. Yet another way of trying to convince ourselves that something or someone other than Allah(swt) has a say in our destiny.

Anonymous said...

take up quantum physics.. will help you ease you questions about random things.. and their interconnetion that dont exist traditionally and scientifically and see what happens..

if you believe astronomy.. then things are controlled by the stars and planets.. that is traditional astrology.. but I think that ppl just studied things over past centuries and astromomy is just "rules" or patterns they came up with.. sometimes they hold true some times not.. like if there are (dark) clouds in sky will it rain..

Anonymous said...

Astrology guys astrology!!!!

There is big difference between astrology and astronomy.

Anonymous said...

LOL... look at the phD guy... doesn't know the difference between astronomy and astrology :)

Anonymous said...

the difference came to exist when "galelio" invented telescope..

sorry , it should be astrology...

astrology = Astronomy + logic

BK did the same typo....

phd makes people more confused.. less knowledge helps you sleep comfortable everyday.. more you know more you worry about things..

read my phdcomics post on my blog..

Anonymous said...

t2: 'BK did the same typo....'


T 1 said...

Bachelors - I am on top of the world. I know everythingg.

Masters - This area in my field is vast. I am so close to knowing everything.

PhD - I know so little that is in this universe.

Anonymous said...

BK: "Palmistry goes hand in hand with astronomy"

I am assuming you meant "astrology" like me.

T1, You got it.. you probably deserve that "phd" number plate on your car..

Anonymous said...

BK: "matlab" is really cool and easy programming language/environment

Anonymous said...

t2: oye, anonymous said that not me!

Anonymous said...

Oops sorry..

Anonymous said...

LOL, it's ok I was anonymous.


s. Toufeeq a. Ahmed said...

See, Begin anon does not help..

I knew it was you.

s. Toufeeq a. Ahmed said...

Even you knew that every knew that it was you.

s. Toufeeq a. Ahmed said...

* being instead of begin

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I was just testing out the anon thing... but it doesn't work for me, I have too much of an ego :P

Anonymous said...


It shows character.. it shows that you are not shady type/and back bencher who will shout a comment and hope to get away with it..