
guess what?!!?

Through the course of the week, my last post somehow got plagiarized and appears on BK's blog as the latest post - no harm done and I will go back to one of the current debates.

the British came to India, and started to instigate one kingdom against another. Soon no kingdom had a right to govern themselves and in the following wars nearly all of India was taken over. Then indians were recruited into the army to serve the British. Then there was a period where Hindus and Muslims (supposedly) did not trust each other. Indians were rising against the british and were labeled terrorists and were sentenced to be hanged.

Ask any 7th or 8th standard student and he will tell you the rest.

Substitute british with american forces, india with iraq, the local communities etc etc , and suddenly history is not old anymore!! And they are reporting that a civil war is raging. Isnt this just feeding off american history where Americans from the north were in war with the americans from the south - and the entire battle was limited only to a small portion of the usa. go figure!!


Anonymous said...

What can I say, great minds think alike...

You're right, the only difference in what happened then and what is happening now is the words- colonized vs. occupied. But it boils down to the same thing- a feeble attempt to ram democracy down the throats of the 'other'.

Anonymous said...

History repeats itself. Those who don't learn from it are cursed to make same mistakes.

We (atleast I) read only english newspapers and are totaly blinded by the western views of news reporting .. God know what is the truth there.

I read my 'war' news here

Anonymous said...


its not com.. its co.uk

Anonymous said...

British media is slighly less biased than American, so good choices...


Just to get a totally different perspective.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

all news sites at one place


Anonymous said...

Yeah, right! Freedom indeed. Just ask those thousands of poor Hindus (janmis or otherwise) who were raped, forcibly converted or killed during by the "freedom fighters".

Can't wait for the next wave of these freedom fighters, who has been organizing in Kerala (with help from Pakistan).