Good movie, too bad he had to die in the end due to the inherent destructive nature of humans (and the inability of humans to understand sign language.. reminds me of the quote from Ice Age where humans did not speak..).
And all those creatures on that island, it was like a big hotch potch from jurassic park, eight legged freaks, etc etc.
Best of all- it is never too cold up there on the empire state bldg.
But good entertainment value!!!
iloved king kong
i spilled orange juiceon my laptop... keys are so sticky..i have to openitup and clean it..
imleaving for durango,CO in 3 hrs..inshaAllah will be back on wednesday...
Boss, is that a cigar(ette) in your profile pic? Looks cool. Hunter S. Thomson-ish
i should bring that question up to ask everyone what it actually looks like.
Sent this photo home - mom has not seen it as yet. waiting for her response!!
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