Shockingly all the vending machines at my office do not carry any normal M&Ms any more. boo hoo hoo. They have replaced it with Hersheys little kisses !!! eeek hersheys chocoloates for m&ms - no way. Went one storey up and down to check all the available vending machines - same result everywhere.
I miss cadbury gems...
I miss them too.. I still remember james bond type ad for that..
peanut M&M's rock my world!
yellow yellow dirty fellow
didnot leave your name in jello.
the colors of m&m are boring. Gems has such nice bright colors to them.
stop cribbing. I get the worst coffee in the world courtesy aramark where I work. It's nothing more than hot water . that's it.
Though we do have m&m's of all kinds along with milky way and cinnamon rolls. But that doesnt help me, since I need coffee more than eminems
m&ms are ok.
T1: u should spend time other than wtih cub scouts..
atleast i use my daylight hours rahter than sleep all day like you. last heard you were too busy to meet up anyways..
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