Ahamdulillah the last two auctions at MAS and PMIS were entertaining. SH should get the compliments for this.Bravo!!! and his attentive companion HN - Bravo!!
But the auction can also be a distraction to the actual fundraising. The same person who donated lets say $500 towards PMIS is left wondering why he did not wait till the auction to donate the same amount. Yes niyat matters, no doubt. But if you are inviting guests over and then tempting them with auction rather than fundraising then the event should be named as an auction. (there is nothing wrong with calling it an auction, its a noble cause). Everyone can argue that the donor (not the auction winner) wanted to soften his heart and extend his generosity and uplift the community and he does it only for the sake of Allah swt (hey this is one of the branches of faith). But arent we ridiculing his intention and making it more difficult for future donors to give in the noble cause without taking anything back in return?
SH is definitely entertaining, mashaAllah. Yah, I agree it's more fun to donate and get something in return...
Don't judge me by this... I was about to donate some $200 or $300, But due to the auction/bidding I donated $500 (-$50 the actual cost of item)...
Some time ppl (like me) need that extra motivation and that extra push...
If I have tons of money... i would hav e donated the whole 250K, InshaAllah some day I will.
And yes we should not tell ppl that there is a auction .. that will hold the big donors to bid on small things and donate less..
This actually gives lots of idea like
Only Acuctions events or Silent Auctions ...
I recall in one of the fundraisers, the largest donors were given a gift. Sort of like an appreciation.
Again i could argue to no end that sta came with 200 to donate but actually could have given 600 - all for getting something material in return. is there anything wrong with it? depends on interpretations.
There is no arguing, I told I planned to donate around 200, I liked the thing and was willing to pay extra... the point to note is... i could have bought same thing for 50 bucks from islamic market place or some place... but it did motivate me to donate more...
if the bid would have stopped for 200 i would have given 200.. if 700 may be i would have thought otherwise..
plus i cant donate more than 500-600 every month these days.... i wish i could ..
"something material in return" .... do i look material to you ? ... I dont have kids that go to PMIS.. and i dont know if they ever will (assuming i have some..inshaAllah 10 -15.)...
10- 15 kids??? How convenient. I get so irritated when guys talk about how many they want. So easy to say a number when you're not the one who has to carry the munchkin for 9 months and then pop it out :P
There is not rational thinking to be applied in a fund-raiser.. by its name and definition it is meant to be a compassionate affair for a cause.. its is all about raising passion about something that you feel is a good or right cause......
we need more muslims.....at least here....
parenthood is meant to be same effort for both parents...
i read some where... it is equally stressful to a father as it is for a mother... but again.. i wont argue about physical pain and emotional pain..
"it is equally stressful to a father as it is for a mother"
oh no he di'nt! *ghetto snap snap snap*
today in my fundraising class we watched a 20/20 clip about how many celebrities really don't do charity events becuase they care and that they actually get big bucks to make appearences. this guy went to jail becuase he ended up paying celebs hundreds of thousands of dollars that should have gone to the charities just to do the benefits.
after all the years of his conning he ended up paying celebs about 20 million dollars that belongs to charities.
YEAH, I'm SURE it's REALLY DIFFICULT for the man to WATCH the woman go through MORNING SICKNESS, BACK PAINS, BLOATING, ETC. ETC. ETC. and the clincher LABOR...
thats why we are allowed 4 wives ....
if u already dont know this.. the fund raiser get a cut around 8-10 percent sometimes more , sometimes less for each event... same goes for muslims imams ....i am yet to find somebody who does not....
celebs always get money for appearances except few who... for all SRK fans.. if you have 20 lakhs (2 million) indian rupees SRK will dance at your funtion... and he openly admits it.... so next time He is in country... let me know if you got monies..
BK: may be you can go Angelina Jolie way.. and SubanAllah that is a good way too...Sushmita Sen is my fav bcos of that..
Adopting a child in usa is downright crazy. its simpler to have your own!!! I once believed in one biological and one adopted, but rules of usa changed that.
So while his wife has MORNING SICKNESS, BACK PAINS ETC ETC, the husband is not sitting in front of the TV demanding chai, but most probably TAKING CARE OF HIS WIFE IN THE DAY, BALANCING HIS JOB, DOING THE HOUSEHOLD STUFF, SLEEPLESS NIGHTS ETC. But agreed he does not have any answer to the clincher.
get one from combodia... or afgahnistan.. or iraq....
4 wives??? Puh-leeze. Mushkil se ek nahin sambhalti...
And we had a fundraiser once who wanted us to give him 10% of the money raised, including from checks and donations that were sent to the office AFTER the fundraiser. We won't be using him again :P
aaj ke zamaane mein 1/4th wife is sufficient ... hehe
Abercrombie and Fitch is for emaciated white teenyboppers :P
neither emaciated
nor white
nor teenybopper
i am one confused desi - i wear only lungi :)
T1 if you are going to do what you just said while your wife is pregnant..than lucky wife of yours..
and by the way one of the sahaba came to the prophet PBUH and said that his mom couldnt walk and he took her to hajj on his back for all of hajj is this enough for my mom? the prophet PBUH said: (what you did doesnt even come close to one of your mother's contractions when she had you)
so there you go....
Nyah nyah nyah nyah... you can't pay back your moms for enduring labor...
be nice children. its ramadan!
T1: Is ur fiance a regular on this blog?
you better watch out what you write... sometimes promises are difficult to keep....may Allah make it easy for u...
Naah she is not a regular. All of you are safe!!! like most indians, going on the internet is for work and not for recreation. Though I would not deny that she visits my blog and blogs that link from here.
i thought indians use internet for more recreation than work... just look at any social networking website..like orkut...
plus they are ahead of us... its all SMS, MMS days these days... they dont need youTube or Facebook..
Update or else...
please give a sick person some slack in the holy month of ramadaan...
ur ok... just some 'kharash' in throat.. inshaAllah....
be a man and stop making excuses!
You're sick??? Ok, sowwy. InshaAllah get better and then update, OR ELSE. Lol.
never knew being sick would be so funny.
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