
A different shower

Imam al-Shafi'i writes at the beginning of his Treatise (Risala) - "Praise be to God, Who, whenever He is thanked for one of his blessings, provides another blessing which in turn obliges one to thank Him again!"

Learning of the outing - If you give cub/boy-scouts with a place to start a fire and chairs around it, and a long stick each, they can spend hours just watching their stick catch fire. And once they have parked themselves, there are very few things that can distract them away from the allure of dry sticks flickering across the fire. Alhamdullilah that food had to be cooked for by themselves, and there was a strict rule about cleaning up. A few of them had never been close to a gas stove before, and a few did not know that dishes could be cleaned outside of a dishwasher!!! But then there is always a first time, and they were quite appreciative of this fact. Hopefully they follow it up at their homes, and realize the good work that their parents put in.

Due to a strange twist, the three elders, get the small tent and the boys get the other two big tents. Surprisingly the boys were on time for all the events and even found stuff at the Geronimo camp that we had not noticed before. Apples from the tree were absolutely delicious!!! (supposedly blackberry picking season comes around in Oct-Nov. Seems like a good time for another outing.)

Wind in the Willows - The temperature drops to 40 in the night and the wind starts howling through the woods. Awesome!!! Add the stars in the sky, at which you could stare at forever. And imagine doing wudoo with the water that exists. Just so many things that you can be thankful for.


bushraaa said...

Camping= no showers. Eeyoooo...

But the rest of it sounds fun :)

Maryum said...

i was in payson camping too! it was fun. campfires yay!

Anonymous said...

Oh i forgot to mention the best part - port-o-jons with a working flush - awesome!!! never been in that luxury before. All the boys noticed that.

bushraaa talks like most of the scouts -
the barbecue burgers-eeyooo but the rest was fun
mud in my shoes -eeyooo but the rest was fun
a spider in the tent - eeyooo but the rest was fun

Maryum said...

what kinds of scouts do you have?? sounds like a bunch of girls to me :P

what kind of boy is grossed out by mud and spiders??

bushraaa said...

HEY! I'll have you know I was a tomboy for most of my life... I don't mind mud, spiders or burgers... but I NEED my showers. Lol.

Maryum said...

why are you getting offended? i was dissing the little boy scouts not you.

bushraaa said...

Jaanu, I was talking to pseudo-nerd not you. Lol.