
Its all topsy turvy

Countless attempts to prioritize blogging over mundane tasks over the period of the last 604,800 seconds met with a futile end. On one part you are happy that one organization gets the funds they wanted (and layoff their intern). On the other you are reminded of a mom, who has two jobs – in the day she teaches at a school and at night works at a Call-Center. Surprising that I don’t get the rude ones and don’t do myself a favor by slapping myself. You are happy at Roger Federer winning the USOPEN and also lolling in front of the TV recounting your abilities as a couch-potato (and your ability to convince people to become one). A new pragma opens the world of scripting even further, dousing you with enough enthusiasm to burn the midnight oil, all in the pursuit of achieving balance between commitments as an employee and a volunteer and a student. And yet in the midst of all developments, the social aspect of stigmas, of heart-aches, of collective grief, all join hands in synchronizing harmony with something that makes us feel human. You try to comfort the loss of a friend; still dabble your way with limited vocabulary when you have to comfort your parents, but will be tongue-tied when you have to comfort your grandmother. SubhanAllah!!


Off to Payson to live in the wild with the wild like the wild i.e. with a few boy scouts.



 (~._.~)  T1

 _( Y )_  






Maryum said...

going camping again???

did the scouts go camping last month! gosh!

Anonymous said...

no last month there was a family camp in civilised log cabins.

this time it is for the elder cubs only to get an introduction to boy scouts without their parents to look after them. And obvi no log cabins. cook for yourself and camp out only

bushraaa said...

Camping= no showers. Eeyooooooo...

Anonymous said...

i had something very mean over here probably contrasting your comment.

pampered is all i can say... Also from days gone by, a shower on friday was all that was.....

Anonymous said...

"You try to comfort the loss of a friend"...

InshaAllah you are feeling ok.. Will talk in evening.. May Allah have mercy on him..Ameen!

bushraaa said...

Acha? Mr. lexus is calling ME pampered :) subhanAllah...

Anonymous said...

I am DUMB....

on side note... Why do people buy luxury cars...

On side side note.... my next car, inshaAllah is Beamer Z5...german blue collar car....the day I get my first pay check with a ** proper ** job.. or when I sell my algorithms to google..