Whoever thinks about moving it a notch up should see Roger Federer. Amazing game in which he broke Nadal 3 times in the first set, kept up with Nadal for the next two sets and then Moved one gear up in the 4th.
Zidane wins the Golden Ball as the best player of the World Cup!! Watching matches in a group always beats watching it solo - i.e. if you can take it as a sport.
and sometime sunday, some team called italy played their usual boring defensive game to only win the cup via penalty kicks - terrible!
zizou is the bestest
since sampras, federer is classy
Federer IS awesome, Zizou deserved the golden ball (good for him that they turned in the vote at halftime)...
and a good defense= strong offense
i thought it was a strong offense is the best defense. but just for your sake so that you can bask in the italian glory, we will accept this for the moment
Potato, potaahto.
melon head
I prefer watermelon to melon, but whatever works for you 'Homer'...
watermelon is the bestest fruit...I used to eat it all the time..
back home they have small stall where they sell water melon only.. "neatly" chopped...
I miss it...
Watermelon with salty arabic cheese.....mmmmmm
watermelon with rock salt.
all fruits are good and amazing and excellent. leechi, gulabjamun (fruit), tadphalli, white jamun, black jamun, custard apple (sitaphal), ramfal, paniphal.
yes i know all will be staring at all these names. will sometime post something on them.
I dont even know half of these names.. may be we call them different names...
WaterMelon with Salt and Black pepper ....
(btw my fav pepper is black pepper .. i almost hate red chilli)
boiled egg sliced into 4 and topped with black pepper.....yummy...
Wow, some of those names are totally different than what we use...
AC got leechis for us in Alb, they were so yummy! But not as good as back home. I miss eating stuff off the side of the road.
as a matter of fact i stopped eating cheese after eating arabic cheese (libyan, yemeni). that was like 10 years ago... then i discovered pizza!!! :)
still waiting...
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