Live Free or Cry
The little life form in my house - besides cheering one and all - has been very effective in exploration and living life on own terms. Let it be chewing all the DVDs and other things that cannot be described but can be effectively classified as toys, or pulling strings and sheets to the floor, or frantic scramble to anyone with a phone in hand, life is always free. I believe you probably already understand the Cry part of the title. Whatever be the activities pursued, it always interests me to see that the shortest path to anything is the one that cuts everything in between. Parents can be scrambled over, suitcases can be climbed (and then toppled), toys can be shoved aside but that thing that has caught her interest has to be pursued. I wonder why we ever spent time trying to understand the Postman's algorithm or the shortest path algorithms.
That brings me to the next interesting point - Raising the Bar. Yes - this seems like the most apt description of parents trying to salvage everything by keeping it a little higher than the baby's reach. But as we can see this will be an iterative process as Ms-want-it-all comes up with new access mechanisms.
That brings me to the next interesting point - Raising the Bar. Yes - this seems like the most apt description of parents trying to salvage everything by keeping it a little higher than the baby's reach. But as we can see this will be an iterative process as Ms-want-it-all comes up with new access mechanisms.
And So it is
Taking a trip to India always generates writing material. No matter how the wind blows there are always interesting developments that meet the eye. Malls springing up and monopolistic laws have assured that Reliance has become the indian avatar of Walmart - all their petro-comm rupees are subsidizing food prices to kill local sellers is just one example. But there were some more interesting observations such as -
- Niqabs = Piety? Niqabs are the dress where only the eyes are uncovered in a women's dress. Muslim girls are stepping up to their teachers/parents and requesting them for niqabs, with an explanation demonstrating absolute divine need. However teachers are now realizing the ulterior motive of hidden identity unlimited mazaa. Hey you dont always find non-muslims requesting niqabs in stores -- or do you?
- Goonda raj and sophisticated goonda raj aka politicians and industrialists resp. Blatant show of power and abuse are rampant. The civics syllabus in school needs to be revised for the monetary compensation given to politicians. I came across a case of a telecom company giving a 7 figure bribe to lay its broadband line in a residential neighborhood to the incumbent corporator. For the general good of the people this is a small amount. The general attitude was that of live and let live - judge the good and bad with the current age not the 60 year old constitutional law.
- Me first - Imagine a one lane uphill road with a cyclist straining himself to proceed. In India you have to imagine a car driver right behind this cyclist blasting his horn on the cyclist. Then imagine a bullock cart heaving itself across a traffic light (even a color blind animal was following the traffic lights), and then imagine a couple of motorbikes that cannot understand the same simple concept, avoid a near-hit, and cause the bullocks to grind their hooves into the tar for some rash motorists. No order no discipline all chaos.
No bloody-american-bashing-indians but an undeniable visible trend.
South Asians for Obama Arizona
Invite you to join us for the…
Obama Campaign Representative
Honorable -------- Arizona State District 10 Representative
On Monday 3rd November
National Treasure... sorry Debt
community generated media
One of the good things from 2007 was the appearance of digg.com, a community oriented portal to allow sharing of news that you would not see unless you are an ardent follower of Oddly Enough on reuters. At the start this was a healthy break-away from slashdot and the forum-oriented discussions.
Gradually this has become a lazy-man's disgruntling site. If you dont like GWB click here and voila you have a sense of contributing to dissent. All bull and no effect is my opinion. If you dont like big oil dirtying the coast of alaska, then by digging one opinion is not going to change a thing; you have to get out and show strength in numbers - something like the hispanic population challenging illegal immigration in Phoenix, with mexican flags outnumbering the star spangle 10:1. Cops could not arrest these who were proudly displaying their crime, so just imagine what the effect would be when you are opposing something legally. That reminds me of the other time folks here were oppsing a trans-texas highway - their opposition was planned for Saturday when the government offices are closed, the governor and mayor are probably hunting some lame ducks with the veep, and the sound of gun-shots is far louder than the people's voice.
Some other time we will cover how the other extreme of burning buses/and public property is also senseless.
Gradually this has become a lazy-man's disgruntling site. If you dont like GWB click here and voila you have a sense of contributing to dissent. All bull and no effect is my opinion. If you dont like big oil dirtying the coast of alaska, then by digging one opinion is not going to change a thing; you have to get out and show strength in numbers - something like the hispanic population challenging illegal immigration in Phoenix, with mexican flags outnumbering the star spangle 10:1. Cops could not arrest these who were proudly displaying their crime, so just imagine what the effect would be when you are opposing something legally. That reminds me of the other time folks here were oppsing a trans-texas highway - their opposition was planned for Saturday when the government offices are closed, the governor and mayor are probably hunting some lame ducks with the veep, and the sound of gun-shots is far louder than the people's voice.
Some other time we will cover how the other extreme of burning buses/and public property is also senseless.
New School Year
Walking into my workplace today, I was caught up in a strange nostalgia never experienced for atleast 15 years. Strange as it may seem, these thoughts took me back to the start of every school year at Vincents, and simultaneously encouraging me to take time off to write something on this oh-so-neglected-blog. Just like a new school year you realize that mr. bench-sharer has left the school and there is someone new instead. So yes, a few links on this page are now owned by not the people I know, and yes it will be on my list somewhere to honorably remove all references.
Walking into my workplace today, I had to hunt down my new cubicle moving aisle to aisle, just like the old days of moving from notice-board to notice-board finding your new division and whether other men-at-arms had made it as well. There was more then - everything from our football team having a chance to win, or whether we had the talent to make it through the 4x4 relays that were atleast 7 months away. After you brave the confusion regarding the line in the morning assembly, you find your place in the classroom and the teacher that you will have to face for the rest of the year. In much the same manner, the cubicle and aisle are new, the desk is lower than my knees right now and the remaining folks in my aisle are on vacation of MIA.
That should explain why I am distracted and posting things on my blog, knowing fully well that a crunch time is expected in two weeks, and then I will need another "event" to drag me back to blogging.
Walking into my workplace today, I had to hunt down my new cubicle moving aisle to aisle, just like the old days of moving from notice-board to notice-board finding your new division and whether other men-at-arms had made it as well. There was more then - everything from our football team having a chance to win, or whether we had the talent to make it through the 4x4 relays that were atleast 7 months away. After you brave the confusion regarding the line in the morning assembly, you find your place in the classroom and the teacher that you will have to face for the rest of the year. In much the same manner, the cubicle and aisle are new, the desk is lower than my knees right now and the remaining folks in my aisle are on vacation of MIA.
That should explain why I am distracted and posting things on my blog, knowing fully well that a crunch time is expected in two weeks, and then I will need another "event" to drag me back to blogging.
Good Measures Half Date at a time
Helping and Contributing to make this world a better place -
Can your dollar give you contentment?
Can your dollar make someone else happy?
Can your dollar give you contentment?
Can your dollar make someone else happy?
Evolution or not
Darwin was an interesting guy and wrote that excellent book that spoke about species in general. I have to admit that evolution exists and also in humans. One classic example can be observed in the weapons of war used by (lets not go too far in history) the mughals. Each sword weighs a ton, indicating that they were well built and had a height that was bigger that the people of today. So I will say that humans in their evolution have actually decreased in size over the years.
As an electronic engineer, we have studied the marvels of the atom and the electron but have never seen these particles yet we believe in it. So it would be apt for us to believe that no rosetta stone is necessary for us to prove conclusively of some tree swinging ancestor(astgh). However there is a big difference in saying that the species of cats exists in many different forms, and the species of goats exist in multitude countries and that saying that once upon a time the cats and goats were partners in crime. (To me it seems straight out of Disneyland).
Similarly every animal had its evolution- some died, some were killed, and man brought others to extinction. (Forget the next generations - I ask you - why did the cheetah disappear from India when man could have prevented it.) But what is the relation between an ant and an elephant to a scorpion - there is no rosetta stone and no link whatsoever. So I conclude that Darwin was right in evolution of species but that was individually. And if I look back at the life of Darwin, I am all the more convinced that his study was based on winches with varying beak sizes and not a relation between winches and seals etc.
And speaking of the Creator - His creations extend way beyond our imagination. If you work with the complexity of ASICS, you will understand that emulating a section of the P4 takes a million dollar box with 128 million ASIC gates. Now the best supercomputer uses 128K+ processors and cannot yet come even close to the complexity of the brain. So sbh I can only marvel at the creator. And lets extend this to beyond living organisms - can we explain why sea water and river water taste different though they mix freely? And the biggest non-explanation I have ever received - Can you explain life that arises in the womb? Darwin cannot explain that and nor can some atheism manual.
I am a muslim and nearly all my references come from the Quran. Taking the historical age of its relevation and its authenticity, I am marvelled at the miracles that were mentioned in it and seeing it confirmed in the years since then, only reaffirms my belief in God. There is harmony between the Quran and modern science. Allah does not tell you how to solve calculus and to program in C, but surely he has bestowed you with a beautiful mind and spirit that enables you to do so.
A student might be deceived by the accuracy of mathematics and then generalize and consider all the subjects included in philosophy, including metaphysics, to be as accurate. I pray to God to guide you to the right path to protect from knowledge that is of no use to you.
As an electronic engineer, we have studied the marvels of the atom and the electron but have never seen these particles yet we believe in it. So it would be apt for us to believe that no rosetta stone is necessary for us to prove conclusively of some tree swinging ancestor(astgh). However there is a big difference in saying that the species of cats exists in many different forms, and the species of goats exist in multitude countries and that saying that once upon a time the cats and goats were partners in crime. (To me it seems straight out of Disneyland).
Similarly every animal had its evolution- some died, some were killed, and man brought others to extinction. (Forget the next generations - I ask you - why did the cheetah disappear from India when man could have prevented it.) But what is the relation between an ant and an elephant to a scorpion - there is no rosetta stone and no link whatsoever. So I conclude that Darwin was right in evolution of species but that was individually. And if I look back at the life of Darwin, I am all the more convinced that his study was based on winches with varying beak sizes and not a relation between winches and seals etc.
And speaking of the Creator - His creations extend way beyond our imagination. If you work with the complexity of ASICS, you will understand that emulating a section of the P4 takes a million dollar box with 128 million ASIC gates. Now the best supercomputer uses 128K+ processors and cannot yet come even close to the complexity of the brain. So sbh I can only marvel at the creator. And lets extend this to beyond living organisms - can we explain why sea water and river water taste different though they mix freely? And the biggest non-explanation I have ever received - Can you explain life that arises in the womb? Darwin cannot explain that and nor can some atheism manual.
I am a muslim and nearly all my references come from the Quran. Taking the historical age of its relevation and its authenticity, I am marvelled at the miracles that were mentioned in it and seeing it confirmed in the years since then, only reaffirms my belief in God. There is harmony between the Quran and modern science. Allah does not tell you how to solve calculus and to program in C, but surely he has bestowed you with a beautiful mind and spirit that enables you to do so.
A student might be deceived by the accuracy of mathematics and then generalize and consider all the subjects included in philosophy, including metaphysics, to be as accurate. I pray to God to guide you to the right path to protect from knowledge that is of no use to you.
dastane abdul texas dilruba - 2

- Street Lights sensors - Wait on the street lights for your turn when you are the only car at the intersection and think about it.
- Speed Cameras - Austin does not need this, the roads are narrower anyway to prevent speeding
- 3G - only regulations in TX no improvement, and they want to sell Iphones
- 21 days to change a modem MAC - no jokes, COX could do it over the phone, TimeWarner needs 21 days.
- Jai Mexico, Jai Jai Mexico, You are my butterfly Sugar, baby!!
dastaane abdul texas dilruba - 1
As the name goes - it is a series of my acclimatization to Austin -the capital of Texas.
It can be summarized by the four letter word that everyone refrains from using, and for all men - i am not implying "love"
[1] U-turn lane is the left most lane on every exit. Only in a city like Austin. And kattar austinites like HSanj will tell you - "What you all dont have Uturn lanes? How can you live?"
[2] If someone is backing out, you should not allow them to complete - you start crossing as soon as you see enough space for your car.
[3] Drive at 55mph on a 65mph empty freeway
[4] If you can exit from the freeway onto one street - you cannot enter the freeway from that street.
[5] Jai Mexico!!
It can be summarized by the four letter word that everyone refrains from using, and for all men - i am not implying "love"
[1] U-turn lane is the left most lane on every exit. Only in a city like Austin. And kattar austinites like HSanj will tell you - "What you all dont have Uturn lanes? How can you live?"
[2] If someone is backing out, you should not allow them to complete - you start crossing as soon as you see enough space for your car.
[3] Drive at 55mph on a 65mph empty freeway
[4] If you can exit from the freeway onto one street - you cannot enter the freeway from that street.
[5] Jai Mexico!!
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