
New School Year

Walking into my workplace today, I was caught up in a strange nostalgia never experienced for atleast 15 years. Strange as it may seem, these thoughts took me back to the start of every school year at Vincents, and simultaneously encouraging me to take time off to write something on this oh-so-neglected-blog. Just like a new school year you realize that mr. bench-sharer has left the school and there is someone new instead. So yes, a few links on this page are now owned by not the people I know, and yes it will be on my list somewhere to honorably remove all references.

Walking into my workplace today, I had to hunt down my new cubicle moving aisle to aisle, just like the old days of moving from notice-board to notice-board finding your new division and whether other men-at-arms had made it as well. There was more then - everything from our football team having a chance to win, or whether we had the talent to make it through the 4x4 relays that were atleast 7 months away. After you brave the confusion regarding the line in the morning assembly, you find your place in the classroom and the teacher that you will have to face for the rest of the year. In much the same manner, the cubicle and aisle are new, the desk is lower than my knees right now and the remaining folks in my aisle are on vacation of MIA.

That should explain why I am distracted and posting things on my blog, knowing fully well that a crunch time is expected in two weeks, and then I will need another "event" to drag me back to blogging.

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