
Eid Mubarak

Looking back... Alhamdulillah I experienced one more Ramazan, Alhamdulillah I enjoyed one more Eid and Alhamdulillah there is one more city that I have experienced Ramazan in.

Looking back.. to the journal entry that says that I am new to LA; I have to add that since one year those same assorted group has been a home to me than anything else. It is a Musleem frat house, indi, paki, bdeshi, arab, amru, malay, srilankan, african. Yes I drove all the way, into the midst of the LA crap just to spend Eid with them. Yes I gave the Fajr Iqama for one more time at Masjid Umar in LA, and yes I woke up all the sleepyheads for Fajr. The dinin table still invites everyone to eat there and I cleaned up the living room one last time. And those who want my sheerkurma stand in a line. :)

Looking back... Subhanallah for all the things around us that we may/may not appreciate.

Looking back/forward... Inshallah I shall spend Eid with my parents.

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