
Lipan Point

If you are an Arizonian, you have been to the Grand Canyon. And each
time I went there I always tell everyone its a big hole in the ground.
My dad and me were just calculating the other day about how many men
would have worked day and night to create this big hole. Imagine - men
waking up and getting to work to dig and dig and create - viola - a
canyon. Those red indians must have worked themselves out generations
over generations just so that in the end we can make a road (and now a
skybridge) to marvel at it. Really absolutely amazing!!!

Normally I take visitors to the desert tower for ooh-aah oomph and
then stop at random pullouts for some more ooh-aah. Then just for the
experience of enteriing into the canyon, I take them to the Bright
Angel trail. Occasionally Mather point finds itself into this
itinirary. But this time, we stopped at Lipan point and for the first
time I dont call it a big dugout. This point is just awesome -
overlooking the canyon and giving a broad view of the canyon. Must see
for all those who have not.


Maryum said...

intersting...been there a bunch of times when i was younger. last time went 2 years ago...don't know the names of any look out points. inshallah next time will take notice.

its amazing how many 'arizonians' have NOT been to the grand canyon though.

i know what u mean when u says..hmm just a whole in the ground. but everytime i go...its like SUBHANALLAH! it is pretty amazing. i could just look out over the edge and stare for hours.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.