Sis+Bro-i-L+Bhanjaa are moving to Phx next week. Long term plan they say. Lets see how it goes. Alhamdulillah. So goodbye to the MAS conference about family values and time to implement whatever family values we already have. Still I am driving to LA next week to get part of their luggage back in a van. Anyone want to drive along is welcome, but I can take only one. Rest can ride with my sis+BroIL on Saturday.
So please dont cancel me out as a family guy. Part of the agreement is that I am allowed my own free time, I get to work as long as I want and I can get out of the house at weird times and also get to do whatever I want with my computer. The other part of the agreement is that I have to be strict with bhanjaa dear, get a social aspect into him and also to teach him (islamic storytelling and so on). Now these are prelim demands and they may change but for most part the Friday evening is mine to do, go, eat anything.
But on the whole, when you are away from family for so long, you really appreciate the idea of having someone closeby. Friends will always be there, but there are only so many people that have been there since birth with you. Its been years since I have had a decent quarrel with my sis ;).
Man, It was really nice meeting your bro-in-law. He is a nice guy. He reminds me of my elder cousin, from whom I learn a lot. Isin't is intersting that sometime you see somebody1 similar to somebody2 you like and start to treat him like somebody2. Neways I am going to MAS event. Inshallah will see you there.
agree totally. only the problem comes when somebody2 does not know that you are looking up to him in that manner.
anyways since you are there in LA go to Hyder Baba in Pasadena for lunch. and if you need acco, tell me, my oldies are there.
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