Now that's donating till it hurts
This one sister had pledged an amount for an upcoming masjid. Since then she was laid off from her job, and instead she wants to auction off her jewelry to pay for her pledge. Takbir Allahuakbar. May Allah (SWT) help you in this time, and also help you in spreading the strong imaan that you possess. May Allah help us all in completing this masjid and making it a source for Sadqa-e-jariah. Ameen.
Being the Anti-MSN that I am, I was seriously impressed with msn spaces. But being a google fan, I stuck with blogger. Now Yahoo has come out with yahoo 360 and i am feeling really mediocre. Yahoo was my second email account created and has stuck on me for nearly 8 years now.
Just hope google can bring it all together. please.
Just hope google can bring it all together. please.
Bloom time

Went to Walmart searching for some good toys for Eid gifts. returned empty handed.
Wandered into the crafts section to pick some corrugated paper. returned empty handed.
Wandered into the Garden section to pick up some annuals. Returned with a red rose plant reminiscent of the two that i had back home. Now only for a white and yellow one!!!.
As we go on, we still remember, all the times we had (together) in our balcony garden. My grandmom had actually got a rose stem from Ajmer and planted it at our home. that was 20 years ago and this plant still catches the eyes of many a passerby. So it reminded me of the small joys i have had trimming/maintaining the plants on my balcony, and how my green fingers have developed. I still dont understand how grass is planted. and more often I dont understand why i had to buy a rose plant in america, when all you need is a stem from your neighbor.
Will keep you posted as new buds bloom into flowers..
AAA: the service will be available in 90-120mins
Helper 1:Just a jump, here you are, you are ready to go.
T 1: power, gear, lights, whooops... the steering wheel wont turn....brakes screech.
Helper 2:Simple wasn't it.
T 1: power on....power on.........now why did the power go away.
AAA: Oh nothing special, u just need a jump.
T 1: lets stick to the right lane..easy easy..the car is moving....
T 1: T 1 OOP from 12 pm.
AAA: the service will be available in 60-90 mins.
AAA: Seems an alternator problem.
T.Toyota: (mechanic slang) Yam teyying you its a starter probrem. come back tomorrow.
T 1: duh, huh
T.Toyota: (kind voice) you need a new battry. Get ready to shell out some money.
PS: Baskin robbins has $1 scoops Tuesday 6-10pm.
Helper 1:Just a jump, here you are, you are ready to go.
T 1: power, gear, lights, whooops... the steering wheel wont turn....brakes screech.
Helper 2:Simple wasn't it.
T 1: power on....power on.........now why did the power go away.
AAA: Oh nothing special, u just need a jump.
T 1: lets stick to the right lane..easy easy..the car is moving....
T 1: T 1 OOP from 12 pm.
AAA: the service will be available in 60-90 mins.
AAA: Seems an alternator problem.
T.Toyota: (mechanic slang) Yam teyying you its a starter probrem. come back tomorrow.
T 1: duh, huh
T.Toyota: (kind voice) you need a new battry. Get ready to shell out some money.
PS: Baskin robbins has $1 scoops Tuesday 6-10pm.
Islam - India -UNSC
Saeed Naqvi's article has brought lots of questions out in the open. Israel,Iran,India and so on. Quite critical about India voting against Iran and quite appealing for an Indo-Israel relationship.
life is so unpredictable
Met my junior from MIT today. so now we have three gens 2000,2001,2002 batch mates in the same bldg. Good to catch up with the old times but with that came an unexpected news. PR graduated from UMBC, got a job in Amazon and then went home (pune, india) to visit his family. While exercising, there was an accident where a fixture came out and PR was hurt and went into a coma for 4 days. two bones in his spinal cord are now fractured and near zero obility of his arms and feet. His windpipe is only 2 mm wide as compared to 7 mm for us. Physical therapy has begun and doctors are hopeful that he will regain the ability to control himself. This is from a friend whom i had last seen in a sky-diving photo. My duas go for him, and hope that things are made easier for him and his family.
Life is too short guys. If nothing else I just hope that you realise this point and stay up in these last 10 days for atleast one hour more to ask Allah Subhanahu Wa-Taala to forgive you (while you can), to keep you under His protection at all times, and to be thankful for each breath that he has awarded you.
Life is too short guys. If nothing else I just hope that you realise this point and stay up in these last 10 days for atleast one hour more to ask Allah Subhanahu Wa-Taala to forgive you (while you can), to keep you under His protection at all times, and to be thankful for each breath that he has awarded you.
shloka part2 - reminds me oh Surah Rahman
In the beginning was the Divinity in his splendour,
manifested as the sole Lord of land, skies, water, space and that beneath
and he upheld the earth and the heavens.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he who bestows soul-fource and vigour, whose guidence all men invoke,
the Devas invoke whose shadow is immortal life-and death.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he who by his greatness became the one King of the breathing and the
who is the Lord of man and bird and beast.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is the through whose glory the snow-clad mountains rose,
and the ocean spread with the rivery, they say.
His arms are the quarters of the sky.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he through whom the heaven is strong and the earth firm,
who has steadied the light and the sky's vault,
and measured out the sphere of clouds in the mid-region.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he to whom heaven and earth, placed in the light by his grace, look up,
radiant with the mind while over them the sum, rising, brightly shines.
Who is the Deity we shall worship our offerings?
When the mighty waters came, carrying the universal germ, producing the flame
of life,
then dwelt there in harmony the One Spirit of the Devas.
Who is the Diety we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he who in his might surveyed the waters, conferring skill and creating
the God of Gods, the One and only One.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
Father of the world - may he not destoy us who with Truth as his Law made the
heavens and produced waters,
vast and beautiful
Who is the Diety we shall worship with our offerings?
Lord of creation ! no one other than thee pervades all these that have come
into being.
May that be ours, for which our prayers rise, may we be masters of many
manifested as the sole Lord of land, skies, water, space and that beneath
and he upheld the earth and the heavens.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he who bestows soul-fource and vigour, whose guidence all men invoke,
the Devas invoke whose shadow is immortal life-and death.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he who by his greatness became the one King of the breathing and the
who is the Lord of man and bird and beast.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is the through whose glory the snow-clad mountains rose,
and the ocean spread with the rivery, they say.
His arms are the quarters of the sky.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he through whom the heaven is strong and the earth firm,
who has steadied the light and the sky's vault,
and measured out the sphere of clouds in the mid-region.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he to whom heaven and earth, placed in the light by his grace, look up,
radiant with the mind while over them the sum, rising, brightly shines.
Who is the Deity we shall worship our offerings?
When the mighty waters came, carrying the universal germ, producing the flame
of life,
then dwelt there in harmony the One Spirit of the Devas.
Who is the Diety we shall worship with our offerings?
It is he who in his might surveyed the waters, conferring skill and creating
the God of Gods, the One and only One.
Who is the Deity we shall worship with our offerings?
Father of the world - may he not destoy us who with Truth as his Law made the
heavens and produced waters,
vast and beautiful
Who is the Diety we shall worship with our offerings?
Lord of creation ! no one other than thee pervades all these that have come
into being.
May that be ours, for which our prayers rise, may we be masters of many
Senti value
To all those who can relate to it.
Ek anek video
Bharat Ek Khoj Audio
Mile Sur Mera Tumhaara
More lingo
To all those who cannot relate to it, these were some of the nation building work, that we have grown up with. There are lots of things that we can relate to.
Bharat Ek Khoj has a mesmerizing Shloka. At first glance, you will be taken aback and may condemn it as Shirk-no jokes I did that. But when you read the translation, it is one of those inter-faith thingies that will strengthen your imaan. Ok there are a couple of lines that do not differentiate between the creator and His creation, but overlook those if you can. I shall psot the lyrics soon so check back then.
I am still searching for the Mile Sur video.......
Ek anek video
Bharat Ek Khoj Audio
Mile Sur Mera Tumhaara
More lingo
To all those who cannot relate to it, these were some of the nation building work, that we have grown up with. There are lots of things that we can relate to.
Bharat Ek Khoj has a mesmerizing Shloka. At first glance, you will be taken aback and may condemn it as Shirk-no jokes I did that. But when you read the translation, it is one of those inter-faith thingies that will strengthen your imaan. Ok there are a couple of lines that do not differentiate between the creator and His creation, but overlook those if you can. I shall psot the lyrics soon so check back then.
I am still searching for the Mile Sur video.......
Great Blogs
Came across this Danish Bro Blog that has great links. Check it out when you have "free" time.
Khutbah.com | In Search of Sincerity
Click the link below to read:
This e-mail was sent by Khutbah.com, a service of AlMaghrib Institute.
Learn more about AlMaghrib Institute at www.AlMaghrib.org
This e-mail was sent by Khutbah.com, a service of AlMaghrib Institute.
Learn more about AlMaghrib Institute at www.AlMaghrib.org

behind every smile is an imaan that tells you to do so
behind every hidden smile is a hayaa that indicates what you are deep within
behind every sincere smile is a self-contentment that it was worth it
behind every beautiful smile is a person that knows it matters to you
behind every endorsed smile are parents that wish the best for you
behind every snickering smile are friends that positively criticize you
behind every teary eyed smile is a young one who looks up to you
behind every comforting smile is hope that they all believe in you
Joke: invading countries
For all my american friends ... heheh ... desis united would love to see you.
blondes make nepal as sri-lanka!!!! how dumb could we be...
Ramzaan resolutions

[1] Get to Fajr a few minutes before Iqamah, rather than at the precise time (breaking habit)
[2] Experience other masjids too - Unity of the Ummah they say. Also fill the masjids that dont fill up as much (greater ajr). Get the fact in-grained that everyone is a muslim rather than putting any particular masjid down.
[3] Ask for forgiveness - repetition - had a calming effect last time
[4] there was a 4th one but dont know what it was...
Reason for putting it public, I want you to help me!!
Whats yours?????
For each of the first three nights, I recall hearing that the big shaytaan is chained up and what remins is the "nafs" of a person. Wow, now in the last 3 days, whenever an insinuating thought hits my head, i was always wondering "My nafs needs improvement". Then came the question - What is Nafs ? yday at MCM the person speaking introduced me to three new words i.e. the 3 kinds of nafs and in short i remembered them as nafs-l, nafs-m, nafs-n. Read the following article about their explanation:
There are two kinds of people, one are those whose Nafs have overcome them and led them to ruin because they yielded to them and obeyed their impulses. The other kinds are those who have overcome their Nafs and made them obey their commands.
Nafs (pl. Anfus or Nufus) lexically means soul, the psyche, the ego, self, life, person, heart or mind. (Mu'jam, Kassis)
Although some scholars have classified the Nafs up to 7 stages, there is agreement among Ulama' that in the Qur'an, Allah (s.w.t.) has described at least 3 main types of the Nafs. And these are in rank from the worse to better: Nafs al-Ammara Bissu' (the Nafs that urges evil), Nafs al-Lawwama (the Nafs that Blames) and Nafs al-Mutma`inna (the Nafs at Peace).
(Chapter 12 v. 53 in the Tafsir of al-Tabari: Jami' al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, 30 vols., Bulaq 1323 & also in Imam Baghawi's Tafsir: Lubab al-Ta'wil fi Ma'alam at-Tanzil, 8 vols. Cairo, 1308)
A summary of these states of the Nafs are given by Imam Tabari in his Tafsir of Surah Yusuf verse 53:
1. Nafs al-Ammara Bissu' (The Soul which Commands):
This is the Nafs that brings punishment itself. By its very nature it directs its owner towards every wrong action. No one can get rid of its evil without the help from Allah. As Allah refers to this Nafs in the story of the wife of al-Aziz (Zulaikha) and Prophet Yusuf (s):
"The (human) soul is certainly prone to evil" (12:53).
Allah also says:
"And had it not been for the grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure; but Allah purifies whomever He wishes, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing." (24:21)
This Nafs resides in the world of the senses and is dominated by earthly desires (Shahwat) and passions….
Evil lies hidden in the Nafs and it is this that leads it on to do wrong. If Allah were to leave the servant alone with his self, the servant would be destroyed between its evil and the evil that it craves; but if Allah grants him success and help, then he will survive. We seek refuge in Allah the Almighty, both from the evil in ourselves and from the evil of our actions.
2. Nafs al-Lawwama (the Soul that Blames):
Allah refers to this Nafs,
"And I do call to witness the Nafs that blames" (75:2).
This Nafs is conscious of its own imperfections.
Hasan al-Basri said, "You always see the believer blaming himself and saying things like 'Did I want this? Why did I do that? Was this better than that?"….
3. Nafs al-Mutma`inna (the Soul at Peace):
Allah refers to this Nafs,
"O Self, in complete rest and satisfaction!" (89:27).
This Nafs is tranquil as it rests on the certitude of Allah.
Ibn Abbas (r) said, "It is the tranquil and believing soul".
Al-Qatadah (r) said, "It is the soul of the believer, made calm by what Allah has promised. Its owner is at rest and content with his knowledge of Allah's Names and Attributes, and with what He has said about Himself and His Messenger , and with what He has said about what awaits the soul after death: about the departure of the soul, the life in the Barzakh, and the events of the Day of Qiyamah which will follow. So much so that a believer such as this can almost see them with his own eyes. So he submits to the will of Allah and surrenders to Him contentedly, never dissatisfied or complaining, and with his faith never wavering. He does not rejoice at his gains, nor do his afflictions make him despair - for he knows that they were decreed long before they happened to him, even before he was created…."….
(Al-Tabari: Jami' al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, vol. 13, Bulaq 1323)
Imam Baghawi says,
"The Nafs al-Mutma`inna has an angel to help it, who assists and guides it. The angel casts good into the Nafs so that it desires what is good and is aware of the excellence of good actions. The angel also keeps the self away from wrong action and shows it the ugliness of bad deeds. All in all, whatever is for Allah and by him, always comes from the Soul which is at Peace.
The Nafs al-Ammara Bissu' has Shaytan as its ally. He promises it great rewards and gains, but casts falsehood into it. He invites it and entices the soul to do evil. He leads it on with hope after hope and presents falsehood to the soul in a form that it will accept and admire."
Ibn al-Qayyim also mentioned the states of Nafs:
"The Nafs is a single entity, although its state may change: from the Nafs al-Ammara, to the Nafs al-Lawwama, to the Nafs al-Mutma`inna, which is the final aim of perfection….
It has been said that the Nafs al-Lawwama is the one, which cannot rest in any one state. It often changes, remembers and forgets, submits and evades, loves and hates, rejoices and become sad, accepts and rejects, obeys and rebels.
Nafs al-Lawwama is also the Nafs of the believer….It has also been mentioned that the Nafs blames itself on the Day of Qiyamah - for every one blames himself for his actions, either his bad deeds, if he was one who had many wrong actions, or for his shortcomings, if he was one who did good deeds. All of this is accurate.
(Madarij as-Salikin fi Manazili Iyyaka Na'budu wa Iyyaka Nasta'in, vol. 1 pg. 308)
Sa'id Hawwa says regarding these Nafs:
"Depending upon its condition, the Nafs exist in multidimensional. When the Nafs is tranquil because of obeying Allah, and the soul opposes its desires, this soul is known as Nafs al-Mutma`inna. Regarding this, Allah has spoken about it in the Qur'an (89:27-28). But if the soul does not attain peace with itself, rather being exposed to desires, then such soul is known as the Nafs al-Lawwama because this soul reproaches its owner due to the owner's carelessness in fulfilling out Allah's wishes - Qur'an (75:2). More so, if the soul submits to lusts and allows itself to be seduced by Shaytan, such a soul is known as Nafs al-Ammara Bissu'. Allah tells the story about the wife of al-Aziz (Zulaikha) in Qur'an (12:53).
(Tarbiyatun nar Ruhiyah, pg. 32, Cairo: Dar al- Salam, 1408)
There is a famous Arabic saying:
"O soul..Watch out! Help me with your striving,
in the darkness of the nights;
so that on the Day of Qiyamah,
you will win a good life on those heights."
May this be of benefit.
And the last of our prayers,
"Glory to your Lord, the Lord of Honour & Power! He is better from what they ascribe to Him! Peace be upon the Messengers! Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds." (37:180-182)
Muhammad 'Afifi al-'Akiti
Belfast, 4 May 1997.
Additional Reading
There are two kinds of people, one are those whose Nafs have overcome them and led them to ruin because they yielded to them and obeyed their impulses. The other kinds are those who have overcome their Nafs and made them obey their commands.
Nafs (pl. Anfus or Nufus) lexically means soul, the psyche, the ego, self, life, person, heart or mind. (Mu'jam, Kassis)
Although some scholars have classified the Nafs up to 7 stages, there is agreement among Ulama' that in the Qur'an, Allah (s.w.t.) has described at least 3 main types of the Nafs. And these are in rank from the worse to better: Nafs al-Ammara Bissu' (the Nafs that urges evil), Nafs al-Lawwama (the Nafs that Blames) and Nafs al-Mutma`inna (the Nafs at Peace).
(Chapter 12 v. 53 in the Tafsir of al-Tabari: Jami' al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, 30 vols., Bulaq 1323 & also in Imam Baghawi's Tafsir: Lubab al-Ta'wil fi Ma'alam at-Tanzil, 8 vols. Cairo, 1308)
A summary of these states of the Nafs are given by Imam Tabari in his Tafsir of Surah Yusuf verse 53:
1. Nafs al-Ammara Bissu' (The Soul which Commands):
This is the Nafs that brings punishment itself. By its very nature it directs its owner towards every wrong action. No one can get rid of its evil without the help from Allah. As Allah refers to this Nafs in the story of the wife of al-Aziz (Zulaikha) and Prophet Yusuf (s):
"The (human) soul is certainly prone to evil" (12:53).
Allah also says:
"And had it not been for the grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure; but Allah purifies whomever He wishes, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing." (24:21)
This Nafs resides in the world of the senses and is dominated by earthly desires (Shahwat) and passions….
Evil lies hidden in the Nafs and it is this that leads it on to do wrong. If Allah were to leave the servant alone with his self, the servant would be destroyed between its evil and the evil that it craves; but if Allah grants him success and help, then he will survive. We seek refuge in Allah the Almighty, both from the evil in ourselves and from the evil of our actions.
2. Nafs al-Lawwama (the Soul that Blames):
Allah refers to this Nafs,
"And I do call to witness the Nafs that blames" (75:2).
This Nafs is conscious of its own imperfections.
Hasan al-Basri said, "You always see the believer blaming himself and saying things like 'Did I want this? Why did I do that? Was this better than that?"….
3. Nafs al-Mutma`inna (the Soul at Peace):
Allah refers to this Nafs,
"O Self, in complete rest and satisfaction!" (89:27).
This Nafs is tranquil as it rests on the certitude of Allah.
Ibn Abbas (r) said, "It is the tranquil and believing soul".
Al-Qatadah (r) said, "It is the soul of the believer, made calm by what Allah has promised. Its owner is at rest and content with his knowledge of Allah's Names and Attributes, and with what He has said about Himself and His Messenger , and with what He has said about what awaits the soul after death: about the departure of the soul, the life in the Barzakh, and the events of the Day of Qiyamah which will follow. So much so that a believer such as this can almost see them with his own eyes. So he submits to the will of Allah and surrenders to Him contentedly, never dissatisfied or complaining, and with his faith never wavering. He does not rejoice at his gains, nor do his afflictions make him despair - for he knows that they were decreed long before they happened to him, even before he was created…."….
(Al-Tabari: Jami' al-Bayan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, vol. 13, Bulaq 1323)
Imam Baghawi says,
"The Nafs al-Mutma`inna has an angel to help it, who assists and guides it. The angel casts good into the Nafs so that it desires what is good and is aware of the excellence of good actions. The angel also keeps the self away from wrong action and shows it the ugliness of bad deeds. All in all, whatever is for Allah and by him, always comes from the Soul which is at Peace.
The Nafs al-Ammara Bissu' has Shaytan as its ally. He promises it great rewards and gains, but casts falsehood into it. He invites it and entices the soul to do evil. He leads it on with hope after hope and presents falsehood to the soul in a form that it will accept and admire."
Ibn al-Qayyim also mentioned the states of Nafs:
"The Nafs is a single entity, although its state may change: from the Nafs al-Ammara, to the Nafs al-Lawwama, to the Nafs al-Mutma`inna, which is the final aim of perfection….
It has been said that the Nafs al-Lawwama is the one, which cannot rest in any one state. It often changes, remembers and forgets, submits and evades, loves and hates, rejoices and become sad, accepts and rejects, obeys and rebels.
Nafs al-Lawwama is also the Nafs of the believer….It has also been mentioned that the Nafs blames itself on the Day of Qiyamah - for every one blames himself for his actions, either his bad deeds, if he was one who had many wrong actions, or for his shortcomings, if he was one who did good deeds. All of this is accurate.
(Madarij as-Salikin fi Manazili Iyyaka Na'budu wa Iyyaka Nasta'in, vol. 1 pg. 308)
Sa'id Hawwa says regarding these Nafs:
"Depending upon its condition, the Nafs exist in multidimensional. When the Nafs is tranquil because of obeying Allah, and the soul opposes its desires, this soul is known as Nafs al-Mutma`inna. Regarding this, Allah has spoken about it in the Qur'an (89:27-28). But if the soul does not attain peace with itself, rather being exposed to desires, then such soul is known as the Nafs al-Lawwama because this soul reproaches its owner due to the owner's carelessness in fulfilling out Allah's wishes - Qur'an (75:2). More so, if the soul submits to lusts and allows itself to be seduced by Shaytan, such a soul is known as Nafs al-Ammara Bissu'. Allah tells the story about the wife of al-Aziz (Zulaikha) in Qur'an (12:53).
(Tarbiyatun nar Ruhiyah, pg. 32, Cairo: Dar al- Salam, 1408)
There is a famous Arabic saying:
"O soul..Watch out! Help me with your striving,
in the darkness of the nights;
so that on the Day of Qiyamah,
you will win a good life on those heights."
May this be of benefit.
And the last of our prayers,
"Glory to your Lord, the Lord of Honour & Power! He is better from what they ascribe to Him! Peace be upon the Messengers! Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds." (37:180-182)
Muhammad 'Afifi al-'Akiti
Belfast, 4 May 1997.
Additional Reading
IgNobel awards
An Excerpt: - ------
LITERATURE: The Internet entrepreneurs of Nigeria, for creating and then using e-mail to distribute a bold series of short stories, thus introducing millions of readers to a cast of rich characters -- General Sani Abacha, Mrs. Mariam Sanni Abacha, Barrister Jon A Mbeki Esq., and others -- each of whom requires just a small amount of expense money so as to obtain access to the great wealth to which they are entitled and which they would like to share with the kind person who assists them.
An Excerpt: - ------
LITERATURE: The Internet entrepreneurs of Nigeria, for creating and then using e-mail to distribute a bold series of short stories, thus introducing millions of readers to a cast of rich characters -- General Sani Abacha, Mrs. Mariam Sanni Abacha, Barrister Jon A Mbeki Esq., and others -- each of whom requires just a small amount of expense money so as to obtain access to the great wealth to which they are entitled and which they would like to share with the kind person who assists them.
Nobel Peace Prize
The best news I heard on a Friday morning - IAEA and
Mohd ElBaradai wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
Subhanallah, deja vu or whatever you may say, but
while writing the previous post on Nobel Winners I had
wondered aloud that this man is the forerunner for the
peace prize.
I had wanted Hans Blix and Mohd ElBaradai to be the
joint winners
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
Flock time
Supposedly a new browser is on the verge - Flock. This could be the 5th browser for me. Avant Browser is my current one, but i have sort of grown over it.
For all those who have memory>=512 MB, try konfabulator.

Nobel prizes come in this week -stay tuned to this news.
Day one Ramadan - have to write about the first sajdah i did in taraweeh and what struck my head. surely on the weekend.
For all those who have memory>=512 MB, try konfabulator.

Nobel prizes come in this week -stay tuned to this news.
Day one Ramadan - have to write about the first sajdah i did in taraweeh and what struck my head. surely on the weekend.
major higlight was the award i got from the upper management for getting a piece of hardware verified. it justified the concept of the DEs and that was impressive.
next we had our quarterly where i played a totally new game in my life called kickball. basically take a dodge ball, the baseball diamond, and play baseball till you are bored or the burgers are ready - whichever comes first. and then they complain how boring cricket is.......
saw serendipity and it is climbing the charts of the best romantic movie ever seen. why cant they make such movies in lareger number. reminded me of that statement in one of the profiles - if god brings you to it, He will bring you through it. (for those who know about this one, this is not a perfect world but "threw" and "through" are different)
india bistro is a new restaurant on forest and univ. gani happens to be a muslim from chennai and has a buffet all the time. chicken is halal and beef is not - for all those who are tread this path. no comments on this topic please, we have more to worry about and discuss. believe me you. all those who wish to join on our mindless blabber can join us here on friday evening.
scout master lost his temper and finally said a "no" for the first time. the mark of any great person is the ability to say "no" - rule no 1 in many self-help books. verified from the monk who sold his ferarri. if you can do that you realise very well that it is not necessary for you to be present in each and every decision/process/activity.
The first Muslim day was a great beginner. seriously people that audience was missing but i think this is what we expect on the first time. remember the international street fair 10 years ago and the one I was part of in 2003. but the bad part i did not get to listen to any of the lecturers. and since no one i know can give me a presay of what happened.....gloom gloom
upcoming for next week is the resolutions for ramadaan. tell me yours in the meantime.
next we had our quarterly where i played a totally new game in my life called kickball. basically take a dodge ball, the baseball diamond, and play baseball till you are bored or the burgers are ready - whichever comes first. and then they complain how boring cricket is.......
saw serendipity and it is climbing the charts of the best romantic movie ever seen. why cant they make such movies in lareger number. reminded me of that statement in one of the profiles - if god brings you to it, He will bring you through it. (for those who know about this one, this is not a perfect world but "threw" and "through" are different)
india bistro is a new restaurant on forest and univ. gani happens to be a muslim from chennai and has a buffet all the time. chicken is halal and beef is not - for all those who are tread this path. no comments on this topic please, we have more to worry about and discuss. believe me you. all those who wish to join on our mindless blabber can join us here on friday evening.
scout master lost his temper and finally said a "no" for the first time. the mark of any great person is the ability to say "no" - rule no 1 in many self-help books. verified from the monk who sold his ferarri. if you can do that you realise very well that it is not necessary for you to be present in each and every decision/process/activity.
The first Muslim day was a great beginner. seriously people that audience was missing but i think this is what we expect on the first time. remember the international street fair 10 years ago and the one I was part of in 2003. but the bad part i did not get to listen to any of the lecturers. and since no one i know can give me a presay of what happened.....gloom gloom
upcoming for next week is the resolutions for ramadaan. tell me yours in the meantime.
saudi aramco world may/june 2005

page 3 last sentence: by the end of the evening, I felt torn between the freedoms I have in the United States and the feelings of companionship and love, the sense that life is all within one big family, that I had today in my homeland.
photo - deccan queen - the train i have travelled the most. really recommend the cheesetoast in their pantry wagon amidst the lush green khandala ghats
set theory

The NETI and AOTI sets now have an ever increasing intersection set, so much so that it may soon be possible to overlap completely. I am betting that this announcement will take place towards the end of the year. That also leaves the STAW team with a lower percentage of the NETI influence and its only a matter of time before a constancy will be reached, and it will remain there till end of time. Must say AOTI has been pretty fast.
oldie photos
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